Origin and meaning of Dedra
Dedra \d(e)-dra, ded-ra\ as a girl's name is a variant of Deirdre (Irish, Gaelic), and the meaning of Dedra is "broken-hearted, sorrowful".

Heart Robot thinks otherwise. His story goes like this: “On his home planet of Xerbix 319, the Broken Heart Robot was one of the rare robots built without a purpose. Saddened by this, he fled Xerbix 319 and traveled the galaxy to seek out his purpose. Along the way, the Broken Heart Robot met many interesting characters on various planets, moons and asteroids, and eventually landed on a small planet known as Earth. Though he has yet to find his purpose, he may just find a few new friends to help him with his quest!”
Avoid Micro Management
1) Do not follow people around too closely and inspect everything they do. If someone's work needs to be inspected or reviewed once or twice, that is acceptable. But if she has successfully done this task before, give her some space.
2) Allow your staff and others to make some decisions. You should be involved in the big decisions but they should be able to handle the everyday decisions that are specific to their position.
3) Acknowledge and accept errors and mistakes as part of learning. Micromanagers will usually punish or hold someone back from a promotion if they make mistakes
4) Delegate work to your employees, and let them show that they are capable of meeting deadlines or leading a project.
5) Know these symptoms of micro management: Feeling that you know your staff's work or jobs better than they do, performing most of your staff's tasks, rarely praising staff, being overly critical with staff, arriving and leaving later than staff every day and calling in several times a day when you are out of the office
6) Notice a lack of interest and motivation from employees or teams. This is a sign of micro management.
Pitfalls of Micro Management youtube
Micromanagers/Understanding micromanagers
Understanding Micromanagers and Control Freaks
The psychopath is one of the most fascinating and distressing problems of human experience.
Robert Hare
"Control freak" is one of those terms for which the meaning is starting to get distorted:
68% of employees with a female boss consider her to be a control freak.
57% of employees with a male boss consider him to be a control freak.
"control freak is one who has an obsessive need to exert control over people and situations:
A grown man who hasn't learned to control his temper.
A man given to explosive overkill outbursts.
A man who lies publicly when his lies are easily checked.
A man who is extremely paranoid.
A man who threatens those who disagree with him.
Ironically, targets of abusive bosses tend to be high achievers, perfectionists and workaholics. Often bully bosses try to mask their own insecurities by striking out.
5 Tips: Dealing with an abusive boss - Oct. 15, 2004
Note 1: Paranoid incompetent micromanagers (PIMM), who successfully combine tight control of minute details/procedures used in performing assignments with toxic incompetence are classic case of corporate psychopaths and are often called "control freaks" (CF).
This category of corporate psychopaths represents really nasty beasts of IT jungles who tend to completely paralyze
Halo Wars: Micro Manager Achievement and 7th Hidden Skull youtube (Example: Brainwashing -make Micro Management into a video game) hmm
Don't Quit Your Day Job - Ever Work for a Micromanager? youtube
The Story of Kurt Wallenda
The tragic story of Kurt Wallenda, the incomparable, world famous tightrope artiste is a lesson in point. After a stellar career of faultless walking on tightropes Kurt Wallenda decided to retire in glory with one final, high-risk tightrope walk. Of course, since he always walked the tightrope without safety nets, one mistake would be his last mistake; that was because Wallenda’s tightrope walks were always across wires hundreds of feet in the air. So he arrived at his last tightrope walk without ever having made a mistake!
Wallenda’s final walk was preceded by great preparation, attention to detail and unprecedented publicity. He began the walk on a thin wire strung across two skyscrapers without any safety net; he inched forwarded, step-by-step and alas, slipped and fell to his death. Shock and disbelief reverberated around the world: how could the faultless Kurt Wallenda have made that fatal mistake?
Later, his widow explained that Kurt always focused on “getting to the other side”; however, his preparation for the final walk was somehow focused on “not falling”. That seemed to take his focus away from “getting to the other side” leading to the tragedy of “not achieving the result”.
As a manager, I would walk away from a job that requires great level of micro management, as a manager, your time should be spent more on vision building and leading, than spending it on mentoring.
End the Fed!!!
Please be patient and read the whole thing. I think it's important and if you don't wanna read my ramblings, SKIP em! BUT the msg after it is very good and we need to get it out to all our folks.
I took a few days off this past week as my dreams have been very vivid and very enlightening.
The first dream I had...... I had barely fallen asleep and all at once I was doing research on the puter. It was VERY real and the results were impressive. It was startling but not as startling as the second night. (And I'll be damned if I didn't get this email today .......... one of the very first I read and it opened my eyes even further.)
WE are into ASCENDING NOW!!! I tell you this from my own experience in this life and I'll share a little story of how I know.
The beginning started for me a long time ago and I wasn't sure until recently what the hell was going on??? I married the first time on 6/19/1966. I had a very difficult time with my marriage as I didn't understand (my husband was a narcissist and IAMEMPATH) why we were so different? After the birth of my babies, it seemed that he was always exactly the opposite of me......... he always seemed to be for him and I was for US. hmmmm
Anyways, at one point he told me he held me up on a pedestal? (Later my second husband said the same thing??? What's up with that, eh?) THAT was a complete and total cop out.......... in my mind in those days. (I didn't realize the brainwashing back then.) Anyways, I felt like it gave both of them the freedom to give up. (They gave up only when I left them, they wanted to continue in their self destructive ways so both of them lashed out and made my life hell.)
In my opinion my soul mate is the only 'man' ever to stand by me thru thick and thin. I may have been up on the damn pedastal with him but when I jumped off into the gutters to try and pull folks up with me, he was right there. He was pulling and pushing and trying to get 'ALL' of OUR people up and on the way to Ascension.
Now, we are still down in the trenches but we be pulling and pushing and uniting to get US all up and moving toward a better place.
So, if'n you see a couple down in the fox holes and they are pulling and pushing and simply supporting, get down with US and hey, do what you do best. mystuffs for 2day!!!
Burn those damn pedastals cause they don't have a place in OUR world. I'd much rather be in the middle of the mud and the muck and doing what I can to make a better world.
I have talked to so many people that say that we are supposed to support the office of the Presidency and the government........ but, hey what if the people holding these offices are crooks? Shouldn't WE be putting them in jails and cleaning up the freakin offices of their cooties? Personally I think we oughta go after the Rothschilds and Rockerfellers first but, hey, we gotta start someplace. (Remember the trickle down effect???)
Transferring Prime Human Attention from Objects to States of Mind
And Helping "Left" and "Right" Come Together Within Solution Energies
Via <prez@usa-exile. org>
July 8, 2010
Dear Blue-Green Earth Friends and Colleagues,
I've now more thoroughly absorbed Leonard Horowitz' and Sherri
Kane's challenging piece which I circulated yesterday--and it has put
me through some poignant changes.
If even half of this is accurate (and I suspect that almost all
of it is), what we're compelled to conclude from it is so hugely
removed from the beliefs of almost all US residents that at first
we'll seem mega-conspiratorial to them.
In any case, it seems extremely important that we carefully
point-by-point scrutinize it to determine its accuracy, so I'm
recirculating it today--with a few typos corrected. I hope you'll in
turn circulate it as widely as possible--and print some copies of it
so we start reaching people who don't use the Internet as a source of
info independent of corporate propaganda.
One of the more unpleasant-- though seemingly necessary--
conclusions is that all the recent and current US activist projects
are futile because they deal only with effects rather than with causes.
As an example of this, I'll paste beneath the rerun a piece
about a sit-in today at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by
well-intentioned Rainforest Action Network activists. It's admirable
that they're risking arrest by doing this, but their action isn't
well-focused and won't be till they start targeting the people who
control--with a sinister mix of threat, bribe and blackmail--the
people working for EPA .
Horowitz/Kane express it this way:
One suggested solution is to form a posse to search and
find leaders in this criminal banking cartel (such as Lloyd Blankfein
and David Rockefeller) and serve them, and responding law enforcers,
with citizens' arrest complaints, widely publicized, using this
article and its links as evidence detailing the criminal conspiracy.
This way, attorneys general may be forced to do their jobs in
protecting We The People.
This probably won't force attorneys general to do their jobs
but at least we've started coping with causes--and hopefully can
refine our efforts until they do become effective.
Otherwise, we're in the same futile circumstance as the
legendary dragon slayers who'd lop off a head only to learn instantly
they had two more to cope with.
Yes, at least we'll be targeting the body of the dragon rather
than hopelessly lopping off heads.
But please understand that this is a much more dangerous form
of activism. David Rockefeller won't enjoy being served with a
citizens' arrest complaint and there are a number of ways he can have
us killed without seeming to do so.
And the greatly increased danger means we must correspondingly
increase our ability to remain fearless even in frightful
circumstances. No easy matter--but there are effective neural
practices available free of charge. Plus perhaps there's a hip
technology now for remaining calm and thus clear. We must look into
this quite carefully. Imagine wearing something on your body which
weighs quite little and pulses transdermally at a frequency optimal
for neural stability.
These authors are aware of this as a major concern:
Generalized fear, depression, fatigue, and apathy are
incapacitating our defenses, aiding the adversaries, and predisposing
us to diseases and early deaths.
Hats off to Horowitz/Kane: I don't expect to find a more lucid
summary of current circumstances. In fact, it's of such importance I
suggest we gather in our locales to scrutinize it and to decide our
responses to it. In locales where there's not yet enough support for
this we might consider a Volunteer University-- or some such--so
people can gather from within a somewhat larger area.
The reason this seems important to me is that this more
accurate focus is not a comfortable one--and thus people won't accept
it unless they assess it as a group so they know and trust everyone
providing input.
For a while, it'll be extremely difficult for even the best
mercenary activist groups to get into this because it'll make their
funders nervous. For example, those funding today's Rainforest
Action Network initiative are going to be much more comfortable with
lopping a dragon's head at the EPA than with a direct thrust at the
body via "Citizens' arrests, grand jury investigations, criminal
indictments, and war crime prosecutions" .
Thus it's more important than ever to form a powerful movement
of volunteers.
Another way to deal with those responsible is to surround their
mansions and allow no one in or out.
I want to keep this edition simple so the focus is on Horowitz/
Kane--but at bottom I'll post a piece exposing just how tightly the
banksters and Big Oil have controlled Louisiana politics during the
past century.
I don't know much about casino capitalism, so I'd be quite
grateful to learn from any of you if the conclusions drawn by Leonard
and Sherri from their cited trade data are rigorous.
for waking to the quantum ether,
Lampe aka Pondo
PS: I note with great pleasure that Sherri is a Fox News defector
"for ethical reasons". In '57 for ethical reasons I defected from a
forerunner of Fox--Hearst' s International News Service--during a gig
as a Paris-based correspondent accredited to NATO. Right on, sister!
------------ --------- --------- -----
From: Healthy World Message <info@healthyworldme>
Date: July 7, 2010 12:18:28 PM GMT-05:00
Subject: WAR on The World: Rothschild League's 30 Facts Evidencing
Gulf Oil Disaster Was Planned
Tetrahedron, LLC
Health Science Communication for People Around the World
Release: No. 63-ROTHSCHILD- 1
Date Mailed: July 6, 2010
For Immediate Release
Contact: Rhonda Goade--310-877- 3002; info@healthyworldaf filiates. com
30 Facts Evidencing the Rothschild League of Bankers
Planned the Gulf Oil Crisis
by Leonard G. Horowitz and Sherri Kane
This article explains what is really happening in the Gulf of Mexico,
who is really responsible for the explosion, and how the devastation
serves investment bankers. These globalists sway stocks, create
markets, and planned this crisis, among a series of catastrophies, to
advance geopolitical and financial agendas.
WAR has been declared against We The People. Yet, there is no country
or military present to defend us.
Covert infiltrations and corruptions in governments by the
"Rothschild League" of bankers and"private equity investors" now
poison our bodies, minds, and planet. Yet, appropriate military and/
or militia defenses are prohibited.
Crisis-capitalists are petrochemically massacring us and our
environment. They have deployed propaganda-- mass media deception--to
camouflage their real intentions and vast destruction.
The air we breathe, food we eat, and water we drink, has been
polluted to deliver profitable diseases and planned depopulation,
simulating a "scorched earth policy" of war.
Citizens' arrests, grand jury investigations, criminal indictments,
and war crime prosecutions are urgently needed, yet financially
Generalized fear, depression, fatigue, and apathy is incapacitating
our defenses, aiding the adversaries, and predisposing us to diseases
and early deaths.
Based on the following irrefutable facts, the so-called "accidental
explosion" in the Gulf is a Transocean/Hallibur ton/British Petroleum/
Goldman-Sachs attack---the latest in a series of unspeakable war
crimes perpetrated by Anglo-American State of Rothschild League bankers.
Definition and Function of War
WAR has been defined as "a contest between nations or states, carried
on by force, . . . for the extension of commerce, . . . for
obtaining and establishing the superiority and dominion of one over
the other."
Consider the fact that "it takes money to make money." Across
civilization today, if you want to buy a property or grow a business,
most people need to take loans from banks. In fact, the primary way
that Nations, States, and civilians advance economically is
contracted or underwritten by the banking industry.
Similarly, war is nearly always financed by banks and, allegedly,
repaid by taxes.
As you read the following facts, consider these methods by which We
The People are now nightmarishly enslaved by a usury system of
rampant con-sum(p)-tion. (A word that used to mean degeneration by
terminal illness; a sum total "con.")
Consider the "investment bankers" who steward the stock-markets and
care nearly nil about how many species are going extinct, including
possibly our own.
Then reflect on this quote by poet Dorothy Parker:
"If you want to know what God thinks about money, just look at the
people He gives it to."
Today, besides generating profit as proven below, the Rothschild
League, that has held dominion over our global economy for centuries,
expands it's mass-mind manipulation, depopulation, and environmental
destruction for protection against We The People. After all, we are
slowly awakening like a sleeping giant. Our rebuke threatens their
plan for complete global control.
30 Chilling Facts Proving We The People Are Under Attack, in an
Undeclared War, With the Rothschild League of Bankers:
1) The media is grossly censoring the extent of the devastation in
the Gulf. The poisons--oil and chemical dispersant (Corexit)--are
destined to spread globally, but honest reporting is restricted, and
independent investigators are being arrested. This censorship is a
sure sign of fascism--not freedom or democracy. In this way, the
media, financially directed by leading investment bankers (cited
below), accomplices this global poisoning, or omnicide. (Click here
for an example of more accurate reporting from the Gulf by an
independent news source.)
2) The news and network "programming" is mind-controlling propaganda
issued by the "partners" in the Rothschild League of Banks including
Goldman-Sachs, JPMorgan-Chase and UBS that direct BP, Transocean,
Halliburton, the clean-up capitalists, Corexit suppliers, even the
trailers used by clean-up crews, through co-investors heavily
represented in the Partnership for New York City (PFNYC), founded by
David Rockefeller and chartered by the Royal Family of England. All
together, these partners wield the most formidable economic power in
world history.
3) Ongoing worsening environmental pollution has been a primary
objective of these Rothschild League financiers since at least the
1960s, according to their leaked economic agenda. Destroying the
environment, thus creating new global threats for remediation markets
and emergency management is unconscionable, but very real. This has
become a viable alternative to traditional warfare securing
profitable population control through crisis capitalism.
4) The Gulf oil catastrophe reflects this one of three major
financially- sustaining war substitutes. Currently, less urgent than
environmental destruction is space-based threats (e.g., solar flares,
alien menaces, and colliding asteroids). The third, and least
apparent profitable war substitute is petrochemical- pharmaceutical
enslavement. All three of these incentives and objectives for global
governance, emergency preparedness, and profitable military and
Homeland Security responses, "carries the weight of . . .
considerable actual sacrifice of life."(Quote from The Report From
Iron Mountain--a scholarly, serious, non-fiction, non-satirical
leaked work claimed by Rothschild League banking cartel
propagandists, including media pundits, to be a satire.)
5) The propaganda ploy used most effectively in the Gulf, and in all
crises, is to blame illusory villains to create sham debates. When
Obama is blamed for the oil crisis, for instance, the "accident"
faults Democrats. When Halliburton is blamed, the Republicans feel
faulted. This divisive diversion suckers masses of idiots, discredits
the media's intelligence, and shames people who still claim we have a
"free"and "responsible" press.
6) The Deepwater Horizon (Mississippi Canyon 252) oil rig that
exploded is the property of Transocean, not British Petroleum (BP);
and both companies are financially directed by Goldman Sachs,
JPMorgan Chase, and UBS investment bankers, all operating in
theRothschild League of banks.
7) Coincidentally, or demonically, the oil rig's failed cementation
job exploded on Hitler's birthday, just in time to poison Earth Day
2010, thanks to Transocean's contractor-- the infamous Dick Cheney/
George Bush officiated Halliburton Company allied with Homeland
8) Halliburton officials admit knowing their cementation job was
likely to explode just when it did, according to Congressional
9) Goldman Sachs (GS) officials, likewise, knew the rig was likely to
explode when it did. They bet millions of dollars on this event only
days before it happened! (Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of GS, directed 44%
(4.6 million shares) of BP stock to be dumped three weeks before the
10) Not surprisingly, Transocean was merged into its current
corporate state by Goldman-Sachs (a.k.a., "Government Sachs") in 2007.
11) David Sidwell, Risk Committee Chairman of UBS, the wealthiest
Swiss bank (in the Rothschild League or alliance of so-called
"competing" banks) and the world's largest wealth manager, also
dumped BP stocks massively (i.e., 99% of the banks holdings, or 2.1
million shares,) as did Wachovia/Wells Fargo.
12) BP Oil CEO Tony Hayward sold 1/3 of his BP stock (223,288 shares)
on March 17--a month before the explosion.
13) Just prior to 9/11, you may recall, Goldman Sachs did the same
with airline stocks; and before the Gulf catastrophe, GS shorted
mortgage company stocks, fueling the real estate collapse in America.
New Shocking Facts:
14) The Management Boards of the Eurex Stock Exchanges and the
Executive Board of Germany's Eurex Clearing AG decided, on April 14,
2010, to introduce an equity option on shares of Transocean Ltd,
effective on the day of the explosion, April 20, 2010. This gave
inside traders a full day to dump their "uninsured" stock in
Transocean at the highest price possible (before the rest of Wall
Street responded to the explosion). Then the crisis capitalists were
able to reinvest their funds securing the higher price value.
These officials published zero reason for Transocean's new equity
option program that encouraged banking criminals to use "protective
puts" to make millions.
In other words, by paying a relatively small premium (compared to the
soon-to-be plunging market value of Transocean stock), the Rothschild
Leaguers knew no matter how far the stock dropped, it could be sold
at the original "strike price" (also called the "put option") anytime
before April 20, 2012.
This additionally evidences premeditated murder, and the financial
motives of the Swiss/German banking chiefs influencing Europe's most
active stock exchanges. These inside traitors and industrial
saboteurs, financially controlling Transocean, Halliburton, and BP,
committed the gravest environmental crime of all time, with obvious
plans to profit from the mass murdering of people and destruction of
the Gulf.
15) This was how money was made from the obvious sabotage. After UBS
sold its 2.1 million shares of BP, prior to the explosion, the "put
option" policy on BP stock was similarly exercised when UBS bought
back 8.6 million BP shares by June 7.
16) Transocean Vice President of Marketing, Terry Bonno, met UBS
officials on May 27, 2010, according to a heavily censored Thompson
Reuter's report and transcript. (CLICK HERE to read it.) The "Ultra-
Deepwater market will start to pick up longer-term, " Bonno encouraged
banking officials.
17) So within weeks of the explosion the Rothschild League of
investment bankers were yelling "Buy! Buy! Buy! BP stock," stating
the costs for clean-up were miniscule compared to what their
investments and company profits would earn.
18) This quote detailed the BP-banking-stock- jocks' plot: "Buying
shares today while writing $55 calls and "puts" for the January 2012
expiration allows for an outstanding cash-on-cash return if BP merely
bounces back by 14% over the next 21 months. In a best case you'll
net 98% total returns on the actual cash outlay (assuming you write
the puts against paid-up marginable equity already held in your
margin-type account)."
(Editor's Note: Can you imagine the psychopathology, blind ignorance,
and murderous greed of investing, or reinvesting, in these companies
that are killing us and our planet?)
19) Much like the instantly manufactured equity investment option
created for Transocean right before the explosion, BP's stock
insurance plan secured the ongoing devastation in the Gulf with this
financial promise: "In a worst case scenario you'll end up with twice
the number of BP ADRs at an average cost of $42.64 or less," stock
gurus promoted. "That's lower than the annual lows for BP during the
entire period 2004 right through 2007."
Proud Profiteers in Media Magic
The wizards of oil, pulling the strings behind the media's
propaganda, are best exemplified by Goldman Sachs's CEO, Lloyd
Blankfein. Lloyd merged, and still largely controls, ABC/Disney and
Miramax. Blankfein's partner, co-chairing the PFNYC, is Rupert
Murdoch, controlling FOX News, Time-Warner, Associated Press, News
Corp and much more. Another partner in this David Rockefeller- founded
PFNYC cabal is Thompson Reuters chairman, Thomas Glocer. The PFNYC
was responsible for financial reconciliations from 9-11, and
"veering" World Trade Center reconstruction money from New York to
Las Vegas through Apollo Management's MGM private equity
investments. (Apollo co-owns Nalco/Corexit with Goldman Sachs.) The
PFNYC was chartered by Britain's Royal family, bringing NBC/Comcast
into their stead, as well as the General Electric company. Last but
not least, CBS owner, Sumner Murray Rothstein (Redstone), joined the
clique through his CBS-Viacom stable of companies.
20) The Halliburton cementation job's sabotage, and resulting oil
hemorrhage in the Gulf, served perfectly, synchronously and
financially, to "veer" media attention away from Lloyd Blankfein's/
Goldman-Sachs' s shorting of the American housing market, accelerating
the planned economic collapse of the USA for the forthcoming New
World Order's "New Deal."
21) And just when we thought the Government Sachs connection to the
Gulf oil rigging could not get any deeper, we learn that GS holds
controlling interests (with Apollo Management) in the Nalco Company
which produces the hideously deadly oil dispersant named Corexit!
22) The Rothschild Leaguers "ruled out all [Corexit] competitors even
those that have shown to be far less toxic and, in some cases, nearly
twice as effective," reported Paul Quinlan in the New York Times. The
reason being . . .
23) Nalco formed from a joint venture with the David Rockefeller-
controlled Exxon Chemical Co. in 1994. Then, . . .

24) In 2003, The Blackstone Group, Apollo Management L.P., and
Goldman Sachs Capital Partners, bought Ondeo Nalco for $4.3 billon
dollars. All three companies are partnered in the Rockefeller-
founded, Royal Family-chartered PFNYC.
25) Ironically, according to Nalco's website, the company is
portrayed as a water, energy, and air conservation corporation. They
claim to be the world's leading water treatment company. Their
poisonous dispersant, Corexit, is not their main business. It is a
"first aid product that they've always had and they've never really
26) Corexit was found poisoning clean-up workers, causing kidney and
liver disorders, following its debut in the 1989 Exxon-Valdez
disaster. Nalco blamed these problems on 2-butoxyethanol, now claimed
to have been removed.
And that's not all. . . .
27) The George Bush/Dick Cheney 9/11-linked Halliburton Company
purchased the world's largest oil-spill cleanup entity, Boots &
Coots, three weeks before the "natural gas leak." This was
synchronous with the bankers beginning to unload BP and Transocean
stocks, and securing equity options to insure their investments.
Other major shareholders in Nalco/Corexit include billionaire Warren
Buffett and his conglomerate holding company, Berkshire Hathaway;
Maurice Strong, Al Gore, George Soros.
28) Historically, Homeland Security has contracted with Halliburton
to provide detention camps for political dissidents and displaced
populations, through KBR, whose financial underwriters feature the
aforementioned war-makers: Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC;
Goldman, Sachs & Co.; UBS Securities LLC; Citigroup Global Markets
Inc.; and Wachovia Capital Markets, LLC--the precise financial
institutions shorting BP and Transocean stocks as detailed above.
Furthermore, . . .
29) Homeland Security's choice of accommodations for Gulf oil clean-
up crews are the same toxic trailers banned from use during Hurricane
30) Homeland Security medical officials are also now implicated in
fraudulently promoting (through Alex Jones) a "decoy product" for
infectious disease markets called Silver Sol for profit and probably
depopulation as well. (CLICK HERE for the shocking story.)
Conclusion and Solution
Similar to what we found while investigating the fabricated H1N1-H5N1
Swine Flu fright and fraudulent (and increasingly threatening)
vaccination campaign, the devil-doers were those in control of the
"PharmaMedia" involving Wall Street's heaviest hitters, all partners
in the PFNYC and the Rothschild League of investment bankers. (View:
PHARMAWHORES: The SHOWTIME Sting of Penn & Teller.)
We The People urgently need a new banking system that entirely
excludes the aforementioned criminals. It must encourage investments
in permaculture and sustainable production, not destructive and
polluting consumption. It must discourage petrochemical-
pharmaceutical toxicity that is killing us and most other species.
And it must invest in suppressed alternative energies, including
hydrogen fuel and Tesla technologies that have been kept from common
use by the financial paradigm makers/enslavers.
The new banking system must value biological sensitivity, and love-
based spirituality, more than lust for money, fueling a degenerative
economy that is based on usury.
One suggested solution is to form a posse to search and find leaders
in this criminal banking cartel (such as Lloyd Blankfein and David
Rockefeller) and serve them, and responding law enforcers, with
citizens' arrest complaints, widely publicized, using this article
and its links as evidence detailing the criminal conspiracy. This
way, attorneys general may be forced to do their jobs in protecting
We The People.
Otherwise, we need a miracle to stop the financial industry from
doing what is it is doing to us and our planet. This is not a
religious statement, just an accurate observation.
Jesus put his life on the line by preaching the same thing. He
exposed and flogged the lesser humans who were financially enslaving
humanity through usury, usurping faith in God and the new true Nation
under Him.
In defense of ourselves and Mother Earth, We the People now have no
other reasonable choice but to neutralize mass murderers, their
lethal intoxications, and environmental destructions.
We pray that LOVE--communicated musically in the secreted 528Hz
frequency--will help prompt this urgently required miraculous
transformation of our economy and society, ending the psychopathology
of menacing greed, to secure permacultural sustainability and real
enduring happiness.
About the authors:
Dr. Leonard Horowitz is the author of sixteen books including
three American best-sellers, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola--Nature,
Accident or Intentional? , Healing Codes for the Biological
Apocalypse, and Healing Celebrations: Miraculous Recoveries Through
Ancient Scripture, Natural Medicine and Modern Science. Dr. H
orowitz, of Healthy World Organization (HWO), is currently advancing
as an alternative to the duplicitous World Health Organization (WHO).
Sherri Kane is an investigative journalist who defected from FOX
News, Los Angeles, for ethical reasons. She has written extensively
on Washington politics including Barack Obama's history. Most
recently, she has exposed the "PharmaMedia, " detailing links between
the wealthiest Wall Street investors in mass media and the
pharmaceutical industry.
Review from last newsletters . . . .
In case you missed our last shocking newsletter (June 10, 2010), we
were the first in the world to expose Peter Sutherland, the man
standing with one foot in Goldman-Sachs, and the other on the burning
Transocean-Hallibur ton-BP oil rig, as being theConsultor of the
Extraordinary Section of the Administration of the Patrimony of the
Apostolic See. In other words, Sutherland is the chief financial
adviser to the Pope.
Holy Spirit-filled Catholics are encouraged to petition the Vatican
to denounce Mr. Sutherland immediately.
In 2010, Mr. Sutherland finished a 13-year stint as Chairman of BP,
Europe's largest oil company. A former Attorney General of Ireland,
he is President of the Federal Trust for Education and Research, a
British think tank whose efforts might better be called corporatist
indoctrination than trustworthy "education." He is Chairman of The
Ireland Fund of Great Britain, and a member of the advisory council
of Business for New Europe--a pro-New-World- Order European think-tank
based in Britain.
From 1993-95, Sutherland was the Director-General of the World Trade
In January 2006, the current Non-executive Chairman of Goldman Sachs
International, was appointed by United Nations Secretary General,
Kofi Annan, as his Special Representative for Migration.
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From: "Scott Parkin, Rainforest Action Network" <>
Date: July 8, 2010 8:32:24 AM GMT-05:00
To: prez@usa-exile. org
Subject: BREAKING NEWS: EPA Headquarters Occupied

Tell Lisa Jackson you are not giving up until MTR is history!

Dear Keith,
At this very moment, I am in D.C. at the headquarters of the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with a group of activists
devoted to ending the destruction of America's mountains by greedy
coal executives.
We're risking arrest today to ensure that the EPA hears our message
loud and clear that we want mountaintop removal (MTR) abolished for
Help us make some noise from right where you are. Email the EPA now!
On April 1, Administrator Lisa P. Jackson of the EPA announced strong
new guidelines for mountaintop mining, saying there would be "no, or
very few, valley fills that are going to meet that standard." If
applied rigorously, these guidelines could prohibit most MTR
operations and protect Appalachia's precious drinking water.
At RAN, we were genuinely excited at the news, feeling that this was
a step in the right direction by the EPA and "the beginning of the
end" for MTR. We decided we'd wait and watch to see how the EPA would
apply these "strict" new guidelines. We sure didn't have too wait
long. Late last month, the EPA green-lighted a huge MTR permit for
Pine Creek mine in Logan County, West Virginia.
Now we're pissed.
Write the EPA and tell them in no uncertain terms that America wants
MTR abolished!
In addition to blowing another mountain in Appalachia to smithereens,
the Pine Creek mine permit allows Arch Coal to create three valley
fills, poisoning two miles of streams with blast debris. These
streams currently provide drinking water and fish for the local
residents and wildlife of Logan County.
We're here at the EPA today with a giant sound system playing Lisa
Jackson her own words over and over at a deafening volume, mixed with
the sounds of dynamite blowing apart mountains, and a little of John
Denver's Take Me Home, Country Roads for good measure. We hope this
intensely emotional soundtrack filling the halls of the EPA all day
long will guarantee they hear us this time.
Tell Lisa Jackson you are not giving up until MTR is history!
We want:
No new MTR mining
No valley fills
Protection for all Appalachian waterways
We will stick with this fight until we have triumphed over the
mindless destruction of our mountains by King Coal. It's time to
knock this "King" off our mountain!
For Appalachia,
Scott Parkin
Global Finance Campaign
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============ ========= ===http://www.commondr view/2010/ 07/08-9
Published on Thursday, July 8, 2010 by CommonDreams. org
Fish and Oil: Sorrow, Survival and Solidarity in
Louisiana's Bayou
by Mitchell Anderson
I spent last week in southern Louisiana, in a region I had never
visited before. My first impression was one of sadness; a long
profound melancholy that seemed to reside in the landscape: the
spires of drilling rigs, the rising murky water, the stagnant sinking
marshes, the faint mix of saltwater and burning oil from the Gulf,
the rusting pipelines and dead wetland trees. Taken together, there
was a sense that something terrible had been occurring there for many
years. Something fundamental, something which preceded the current
oil disaster, something irreversible and wrong.

"Fish and oil, fish and oil." I heard this strange and perverse
couplet many times during the week - over fried shrimp dinners, on
boat tours, in community forums, and walking along the desolate beach
on Grand Isle and the flooded Isle de Jean Charles. The utterance
had the bizarre ring of prophecy, of brute reality, of what shouldn't
have been the case, but is, nonetheless. Ironically, the coastland
of Louisiana is the most productive seafood estuary in the country,
while the coast and adjacent Gulf waters contain the most productive
offshore oil patch. Now, the seafood is contaminated, the oil is
spreading in the marshlands, and despite the ongoing calamity, the
oil industry is fighting tooth and nail to reserve the right to keep
drilling off the coast.
I was with a delegation of indigenous and campesino leaders from the
Ecuadorian Amazon, who know all too well about fish and oil. They
have been suffering for the last forty years as a result of Texaco's
(now Chevron's) oil contamination in their rainforest homeland. They
had come to meet with the Houma and Atakapa tribes, Native Americans
who have been living off the water and land of southern Louisiana for
hundreds of years. They had come to learn firsthand about the oil
disaster plaguing the Gulf Coast, and to share their own stories and
lessons from the Amazon on how to cope with the lasting, pernicious
impacts of severe oil pollution.
It was a kind of redemption of industrialized globalization.
Communities devastated by the impacts of a bloated global industrial
growth model coming together to share in pain and hope. I feel
honored to have been a part of the encounter, and outraged to have
seen how much has been destroyed. And I feel compelled now to share
what I witnessed.
Impressions from the Bayou
Mud-stained and rain-soaked American flags droop over rickety
abandoned houses. Telephone poles rise out of marshlands near
underwater graveyards. Oil clean up crews and bird rehabilitation
units work on converted seafood loading docks. Government officials
speak of "an invasion of oil." Native American women speak of the
next great storm. The paperwork and bureaucracy of the British
Petroleum claims process punishes locals. Miles of snaking orange
boom lies abandoned on desolate beaches. The heavy weight of
industrial language is spoken over gumbo dinners: boom, sand berm,
skimmer, rock levy, relief well, spill zone, oil sheen, treatment
plan, containment dome, top kill, controlled burn, chemical dispersants.
The Houma and the Atakapa people told us of their dreams, of their
fears, and of what is at stake in the bayou: Great Egrets, Laughing
Gulls, Blue Heron, Muskrats, Alligators, Blue Crabs, Speckled Trout,
Black Drum, Garfish, Tilapia, Amberjack, Sheepshead, Shark, Red
Snapper, Grouper, Pompano, the spring breeding grounds of fish, crab,
shrimp, whales, crawfish boils, fishing rodeos, memories, the
sweetness of the early morning sun before a day of fishing- an entire
way of life.
A Century in the Bayou
From more than forty miles offshore, the oil migrates past the
barrier islands into the marshlands, clinging to weeds and wings,
riding in on the weather, sinking to the sea floor, floating to the
surface, arriving on the beaches and in the bayous, mixing with sand,
algae, fish. And the media is screaming, "the horror, the horror."
But strangely, and unfortunately, the BP disaster is not the root of
the problem - nor is BP just the "bad seed" of the oil industry. An
industrial ghost has haunted the bayou for the last century.
One can see it in the warm, terrible glow of gas flares silhouetted
by the darkened, stormy sky. One can see it in the spires of
offshore drilling rigs and platforms. One can see it in the eyes of
the confused, screaming birds with oil-soaked wings. One can see it
in the flooding of the Isle de Jean Charles, the sinking of the
marshlands, and the oil channels and pipelines cutting through the
Bay of Baptiste. One can see it in the sheen of oil coating the bays
and choking the marshes.
But there is much that goes unseen - the cloak of time is often
blinding and the ghost of industry has used it well, working slowly
and methodically over the last century in its profitable destruction
of the gulf coast ecosystem.
It started more than a century ago when the Mississippi was levied to
the teeth with industrial ambition. The levies starved the wetlands
of fresh water flow and halted the needed deposits of river
sediments. Soon, as a consequence of the depleting sediments the
marshlands began to sink and flood. Then came the oil industry in the
1920's and 1930's, cutting access canals and laying pipelines, which
eliminated the natural barriers to saltwater flow and increased the
salinization of the waters to a perilous degree.
Today, due to all of this industrial engineering, a phenomenon known
as saltwater intrusion poses a grave threat to the marshlands, which
thrived for eons on the harmonious balance of Mississippi River fresh
water and Gulf of Mexico salt water. The oaks, palmetto, cyprus, and
persimmons, which once flourished in the bayou, have died. The
marshlands continue to sink as a result of the extraction of crude
oil from the depths of the earth.
Over the last century, the wetland ecosystem of the Gulf has
transformed from a stunningly pretty and pristine seafood estuary to
a salty, sinking place - vulnerable to storms, hydrologically off-
balance, and now contaminated with oil and toxic chemicals.
How did this happen?
I posed this very question to Michael Dardar, a leader of the Houma
people, during a boat tour of the Bay of Baptiste. He told me, "In
Louisiana the oil industry creates the rules of the game. They don't
need to justify themselves. They just play by their own rules." The
oil industry has a death-grip on Louisiana politics. Over the last
century the industry has managed to gut state environmental
regulations to such a degree that essentially all oil-related waste
is legally considered "non-toxic" in Louisiana. This has helped make
the state a dumping ground for oil-related refuse from across the
country. Filled with heavy metal and carcinogen-laced oil sludge,
cargo trucks and trains barrel down the highways and railroads of
America, aiming for their final destination; the territory of the
Houma people, who have been living off the land and waters of the
Louisiana coast for centuries. Now their territory is pock-marked by
oil pits and refuse heaps. Toxic dust blows into the homes of the
Houma people in the dry season, while poisons leach into the
communities during the wet, stormy months.
The Houma people have been fighting for legal recognition of their
territory since shortly after the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, when
America paid 15 million dollars to the French for 828,800 square
miles of land, encompassing 14 states. Most recently, it has been
the oil and gas industry that has served as the greatest obstacle to
the federal recognition that the Houma have sought for nearly two
centuries. Lawyers for the industry have repeatedly petitioned the
Bureau of Indian Affairs to deny the United Houma Nation federal
recognition. The unspoken reasoning: federal recognition would give
the Houma more power to defend their own lands against oil industry
abuse, and potentially create precedent for the Houma to hold the
industry accountable for past profiteering and abuses of their land
and rights.
Words from the Bayou:
Just yesterday I received an email from Michael Dardar, the Houma
leader who accompanied us on the boat tour of the contaminated Bay of
Baptiste. He expressed how heartened the Houma people were to have
met with the Ecuadorians. He also included an essay that he had
written, entitled: The Beginnings of Sorrows: The Houma People and
The Resource Wars. Written in blood and memories, the essay recounts
the centuries of struggle of the Houma people and looks at other
indigenous struggles over rights, resources, and land.

The first section, entitled Shadows of the Past, delves into the
meaning of a recently-created symbol that goes by the same name. As
Michael writes in the introduction:
"The Shakchi-Houma or Red Crawfish has always been and continues to
be the emblem and icon of the Houma Nation. "Shadows of the Past" has
become a different symbol for Houma people, a more personal one,
telling our modern tale of conflict and survival.
Dardar quotes Louise Billiot, who designed the symbol, as she
describes the meaning behind the red, yellow, black, and white banner:
"Yellow represents the morning sun when our fishermen, in boats,
would leave home for their day's catch of seafood... black represents
the evening sky when our fishermen would return home from the day's
work on the water... the line between the two represents the horizon
as it is seen out on the water with reality above and its reflection
below... the white boat represents our Indian people's boats and
pirogues used for shrimping, hunting and trapping... the larger red
boat behind the smaller boat represent the recreation fishermen and
the oil industry boats that have taken over the waters that provided
the living for our families... the red diamond shape represents the
riches of our lands taken since the oil companies invaded our
waters... the shape of the white oil derrick inside the diamond
represents the oil rigs that have cut into our homeland bringing salt
water intrusion and coastal erosion."
Oil, salt, a sinking marsh, and the sheer strength and resilience of
the Houma people. I have never been so saddened and inspired. Over
my life I have seen the way a soul can break under the weight of
abuse, the way a spirit can succumb after years of destruction, the
way hope can fade when a people are abandoned. But in the bayou of
southern Louisiana, I saw an unbreakable dignity - a spirit that
declared: there is beauty in the world and it is worth fighting for.
Mitchell Anderson is the Corporate Campaigns Director for Amazon
Watch. He is currently in the northern Peruvian Amazon, set to head
upriver to meet with the Achuar people of the Pastaza and Morona
river basins, who are fighting to keep their territory free from oil
companies. Stay tuned for another dispatch from the frontlines of
Amazon Watch
Twitter: http://twitter. com/amazonwatch
Facebook: http://facebook. com/amazonwatchn ews
URGENT: We Must All Take a Deeper Look
Posted by: "Prez" prez@usa-exile. org
Sat Jul 17, 2010 4:17 pm (PDT)
Transferring Prime Human Attention from Objects to States of Mind
And Helping "Left" and "Right" Come Together Within Solution Energies
Via <prez@usa-exile. org>
July 8, 2010
Dear Blue-Green Earth Friends and Colleagues,
I've now more thoroughly absorbed Leonard Horowitz' and Sherri
Kane's challenging piece which I circulated yesterday--and it has put
me through some poignant changes.
If even half of this is accurate (and I suspect that almost all
of it is), what we're compelled to conclude from it is so hugely
removed from the beliefs of almost all US residents that at first
we'll seem mega-conspiratorial to them.
In any case, it seems extremely important that we carefully
point-by-point scrutinize it to determine its accuracy, so I'm
recirculating it today--with a few typos corrected. I hope you'll in
turn circulate it as widely as possible--and print some copies of it
so we start reaching people who don't use the Internet as a source of
info independent of corporate propaganda.
One of the more unpleasant-- though seemingly necessary--
conclusions is that all the recent and current US activist projects
are futile because they deal only with effects rather than with causes.
As an example of this, I'll paste beneath the rerun a piece
about a sit-in today at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by
well-intentioned Rainforest Action Network activists. It's admirable
that they're risking arrest by doing this, but their action isn't
well-focused and won't be till they start targeting the people who
control--with a sinister mix of threat, bribe and blackmail--the
people working for EPA .
Horowitz/Kane express it this way:
One suggested solution is to form a posse to search and
find leaders in this criminal banking cartel (such as Lloyd Blankfein
and David Rockefeller) and serve them, and responding law enforcers,
with citizens' arrest complaints, widely publicized, using this
article and its links as evidence detailing the criminal conspiracy.
This way, attorneys general may be forced to do their jobs in
protecting We The People.
This probably won't force attorneys general to do their jobs
but at least we've started coping with causes--and hopefully can
refine our efforts until they do become effective.
Otherwise, we're in the same futile circumstance as the
legendary dragon slayers who'd lop off a head only to learn instantly
they had two more to cope with.
Yes, at least we'll be targeting the body of the dragon rather
than hopelessly lopping off heads.
But please understand that this is a much more dangerous form
of activism. David Rockefeller won't enjoy being served with a
citizens' arrest complaint and there are a number of ways he can have
us killed without seeming to do so.
And the greatly increased danger means we must correspondingly
increase our ability to remain fearless even in frightful
circumstances. No easy matter--but there are effective neural
practices available free of charge. Plus perhaps there's a hip
technology now for remaining calm and thus clear. We must look into
this quite carefully. Imagine wearing something on your body which
weighs quite little and pulses transdermally at a frequency optimal
for neural stability.
These authors are aware of this as a major concern:
Generalized fear, depression, fatigue, and apathy are
incapacitating our defenses, aiding the adversaries, and predisposing
us to diseases and early deaths.
Hats off to Horowitz/Kane: I don't expect to find a more lucid
summary of current circumstances. In fact, it's of such importance I
suggest we gather in our locales to scrutinize it and to decide our
responses to it. In locales where there's not yet enough support for
this we might consider a Volunteer University-- or some such--so
people can gather from within a somewhat larger area.
The reason this seems important to me is that this more
accurate focus is not a comfortable one--and thus people won't accept
it unless they assess it as a group so they know and trust everyone
providing input.
For a while, it'll be extremely difficult for even the best
mercenary activist groups to get into this because it'll make their
funders nervous. For example, those funding today's Rainforest
Action Network initiative are going to be much more comfortable with
lopping a dragon's head at the EPA than with a direct thrust at the
body via "Citizens' arrests, grand jury investigations, criminal
indictments, and war crime prosecutions" .
Thus it's more important than ever to form a powerful movement
of volunteers.
Another way to deal with those responsible is to surround their
mansions and allow no one in or out.
I want to keep this edition simple so the focus is on Horowitz/
Kane--but at bottom I'll post a piece exposing just how tightly the
banksters and Big Oil have controlled Louisiana politics during the
past century.
I don't know much about casino capitalism, so I'd be quite
grateful to learn from any of you if the conclusions drawn by Leonard
and Sherri from their cited trade data are rigorous.
for waking to the quantum ether,
Lampe aka Pondo
PS: I note with great pleasure that Sherri is a Fox News defector
"for ethical reasons". In '57 for ethical reasons I defected from a
forerunner of Fox--Hearst' s International News Service--during a gig
as a Paris-based correspondent accredited to NATO. Right on, sister!
------------ --------- --------- -----
From: Healthy World Message <info@healthyworldme>
Date: July 7, 2010 12:18:28 PM GMT-05:00
Subject: WAR on The World: Rothschild League's 30 Facts Evidencing
Gulf Oil Disaster Was Planned
Tetrahedron, LLC
Health Science Communication for People Around the World
Release: No. 63-ROTHSCHILD- 1
Date Mailed: July 6, 2010
For Immediate Release
Contact: Rhonda Goade--310-877- 3002; info@healthyworldaf filiates. com
30 Facts Evidencing the Rothschild League of Bankers
Planned the Gulf Oil Crisis
by Leonard G. Horowitz and Sherri Kane
This article explains what is really happening in the Gulf of Mexico,
who is really responsible for the explosion, and how the devastation
serves investment bankers. These globalists sway stocks, create
markets, and planned this crisis, among a series of catastrophies, to
advance geopolitical and financial agendas.
WAR has been declared against We The People. Yet, there is no country
or military present to defend us.
Covert infiltrations and corruptions in governments by the
"Rothschild League" of bankers and"private equity investors" now
poison our bodies, minds, and planet. Yet, appropriate military and/
or militia defenses are prohibited.
Crisis-capitalists are petrochemically massacring us and our
environment. They have deployed propaganda-- mass media deception--to
camouflage their real intentions and vast destruction.
The air we breathe, food we eat, and water we drink, has been
polluted to deliver profitable diseases and planned depopulation,
simulating a "scorched earth policy" of war.
Citizens' arrests, grand jury investigations, criminal indictments,
and war crime prosecutions are urgently needed, yet financially
Generalized fear, depression, fatigue, and apathy is incapacitating
our defenses, aiding the adversaries, and predisposing us to diseases
and early deaths.
Based on the following irrefutable facts, the so-called "accidental
explosion" in the Gulf is a Transocean/Hallibur ton/British Petroleum/
Goldman-Sachs attack---the latest in a series of unspeakable war
crimes perpetrated by Anglo-American State of Rothschild League bankers.
Definition and Function of War
WAR has been defined as "a contest between nations or states, carried
on by force, . . . for the extension of commerce, . . . for
obtaining and establishing the superiority and dominion of one over
the other."
Consider the fact that "it takes money to make money." Across
civilization today, if you want to buy a property or grow a business,
most people need to take loans from banks. In fact, the primary way
that Nations, States, and civilians advance economically is
contracted or underwritten by the banking industry.
Similarly, war is nearly always financed by banks and, allegedly,
repaid by taxes.
As you read the following facts, consider these methods by which We
The People are now nightmarishly enslaved by a usury system of
rampant con-sum(p)-tion. (A word that used to mean degeneration by
terminal illness; a sum total "con.")
Consider the "investment bankers" who steward the stock-markets and
care nearly nil about how many species are going extinct, including
possibly our own.
Then reflect on this quote by poet Dorothy Parker:
"If you want to know what God thinks about money, just look at the
people He gives it to."
Today, besides generating profit as proven below, the Rothschild
League, that has held dominion over our global economy for centuries,
expands it's mass-mind manipulation, depopulation, and environmental
destruction for protection against We The People. After all, we are
slowly awakening like a sleeping giant. Our rebuke threatens their
plan for complete global control.
30 Chilling Facts Proving We The People Are Under Attack, in an
Undeclared War, With the Rothschild League of Bankers:
1) The media is grossly censoring the extent of the devastation in
the Gulf. The poisons--oil and chemical dispersant (Corexit)--are
destined to spread globally, but honest reporting is restricted, and
independent investigators are being arrested. This censorship is a
sure sign of fascism--not freedom or democracy. In this way, the
media, financially directed by leading investment bankers (cited
below), accomplices this global poisoning, or omnicide. (Click here
for an example of more accurate reporting from the Gulf by an
independent news source.)
2) The news and network "programming" is mind-controlling propaganda
issued by the "partners" in the Rothschild League of Banks including
Goldman-Sachs, JPMorgan-Chase and UBS that direct BP, Transocean,
Halliburton, the clean-up capitalists, Corexit suppliers, even the
trailers used by clean-up crews, through co-investors heavily
represented in the Partnership for New York City (PFNYC), founded by
David Rockefeller and chartered by the Royal Family of England. All
together, these partners wield the most formidable economic power in
world history.
3) Ongoing worsening environmental pollution has been a primary
objective of these Rothschild League financiers since at least the
1960s, according to their leaked economic agenda. Destroying the
environment, thus creating new global threats for remediation markets
and emergency management is unconscionable, but very real. This has
become a viable alternative to traditional warfare securing
profitable population control through crisis capitalism.
4) The Gulf oil catastrophe reflects this one of three major
financially- sustaining war substitutes. Currently, less urgent than
environmental destruction is space-based threats (e.g., solar flares,
alien menaces, and colliding asteroids). The third, and least
apparent profitable war substitute is petrochemical- pharmaceutical
enslavement. All three of these incentives and objectives for global
governance, emergency preparedness, and profitable military and
Homeland Security responses, "carries the weight of . . .
considerable actual sacrifice of life."(Quote from The Report From
Iron Mountain--a scholarly, serious, non-fiction, non-satirical
leaked work claimed by Rothschild League banking cartel
propagandists, including media pundits, to be a satire.)
5) The propaganda ploy used most effectively in the Gulf, and in all
crises, is to blame illusory villains to create sham debates. When
Obama is blamed for the oil crisis, for instance, the "accident"
faults Democrats. When Halliburton is blamed, the Republicans feel
faulted. This divisive diversion suckers masses of idiots, discredits
the media's intelligence, and shames people who still claim we have a
"free"and "responsible" press.
6) The Deepwater Horizon (Mississippi Canyon 252) oil rig that
exploded is the property of Transocean, not British Petroleum (BP);
and both companies are financially directed by Goldman Sachs,
JPMorgan Chase, and UBS investment bankers, all operating in
theRothschild League of banks.
7) Coincidentally, or demonically, the oil rig's failed cementation
job exploded on Hitler's birthday, just in time to poison Earth Day
2010, thanks to Transocean's contractor-- the infamous Dick Cheney/
George Bush officiated Halliburton Company allied with Homeland
8) Halliburton officials admit knowing their cementation job was
likely to explode just when it did, according to Congressional
9) Goldman Sachs (GS) officials, likewise, knew the rig was likely to
explode when it did. They bet millions of dollars on this event only
days before it happened! (Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of GS, directed 44%
(4.6 million shares) of BP stock to be dumped three weeks before the
10) Not surprisingly, Transocean was merged into its current
corporate state by Goldman-Sachs (a.k.a., "Government Sachs") in 2007.
11) David Sidwell, Risk Committee Chairman of UBS, the wealthiest
Swiss bank (in the Rothschild League or alliance of so-called
"competing" banks) and the world's largest wealth manager, also
dumped BP stocks massively (i.e., 99% of the banks holdings, or 2.1
million shares,) as did Wachovia/Wells Fargo.
12) BP Oil CEO Tony Hayward sold 1/3 of his BP stock (223,288 shares)
on March 17--a month before the explosion.
13) Just prior to 9/11, you may recall, Goldman Sachs did the same
with airline stocks; and before the Gulf catastrophe, GS shorted
mortgage company stocks, fueling the real estate collapse in America.
New Shocking Facts:
14) The Management Boards of the Eurex Stock Exchanges and the
Executive Board of Germany's Eurex Clearing AG decided, on April 14,
2010, to introduce an equity option on shares of Transocean Ltd,
effective on the day of the explosion, April 20, 2010. This gave
inside traders a full day to dump their "uninsured" stock in
Transocean at the highest price possible (before the rest of Wall
Street responded to the explosion). Then the crisis capitalists were
able to reinvest their funds securing the higher price value.
These officials published zero reason for Transocean's new equity
option program that encouraged banking criminals to use "protective
puts" to make millions.
In other words, by paying a relatively small premium (compared to the
soon-to-be plunging market value of Transocean stock), the Rothschild
Leaguers knew no matter how far the stock dropped, it could be sold
at the original "strike price" (also called the "put option") anytime
before April 20, 2012.
This additionally evidences premeditated murder, and the financial
motives of the Swiss/German banking chiefs influencing Europe's most
active stock exchanges. These inside traitors and industrial
saboteurs, financially controlling Transocean, Halliburton, and BP,
committed the gravest environmental crime of all time, with obvious
plans to profit from the mass murdering of people and destruction of
the Gulf.
15) This was how money was made from the obvious sabotage. After UBS
sold its 2.1 million shares of BP, prior to the explosion, the "put
option" policy on BP stock was similarly exercised when UBS bought
back 8.6 million BP shares by June 7.
16) Transocean Vice President of Marketing, Terry Bonno, met UBS
officials on May 27, 2010, according to a heavily censored Thompson
Reuter's report and transcript. (CLICK HERE to read it.) The "Ultra-
Deepwater market will start to pick up longer-term, " Bonno encouraged
banking officials.
17) So within weeks of the explosion the Rothschild League of
investment bankers were yelling "Buy! Buy! Buy! BP stock," stating
the costs for clean-up were miniscule compared to what their
investments and company profits would earn.
18) This quote detailed the BP-banking-stock- jocks' plot: "Buying
shares today while writing $55 calls and "puts" for the January 2012
expiration allows for an outstanding cash-on-cash return if BP merely
bounces back by 14% over the next 21 months. In a best case you'll
net 98% total returns on the actual cash outlay (assuming you write
the puts against paid-up marginable equity already held in your
margin-type account)."
(Editor's Note: Can you imagine the psychopathology, blind ignorance,
and murderous greed of investing, or reinvesting, in these companies
that are killing us and our planet?)
19) Much like the instantly manufactured equity investment option
created for Transocean right before the explosion, BP's stock
insurance plan secured the ongoing devastation in the Gulf with this
financial promise: "In a worst case scenario you'll end up with twice
the number of BP ADRs at an average cost of $42.64 or less," stock
gurus promoted. "That's lower than the annual lows for BP during the
entire period 2004 right through 2007."
Proud Profiteers in Media Magic
The wizards of oil, pulling the strings behind the media's
propaganda, are best exemplified by Goldman Sachs's CEO, Lloyd
Blankfein. Lloyd merged, and still largely controls, ABC/Disney and
Miramax. Blankfein's partner, co-chairing the PFNYC, is Rupert
Murdoch, controlling FOX News, Time-Warner, Associated Press, News
Corp and much more. Another partner in this David Rockefeller- founded
PFNYC cabal is Thompson Reuters chairman, Thomas Glocer. The PFNYC
was responsible for financial reconciliations from 9-11, and
"veering" World Trade Center reconstruction money from New York to
Las Vegas through Apollo Management's MGM private equity
investments. (Apollo co-owns Nalco/Corexit with Goldman Sachs.) The
PFNYC was chartered by Britain's Royal family, bringing NBC/Comcast
into their stead, as well as the General Electric company. Last but
not least, CBS owner, Sumner Murray Rothstein (Redstone), joined the
clique through his CBS-Viacom stable of companies.
20) The Halliburton cementation job's sabotage, and resulting oil
hemorrhage in the Gulf, served perfectly, synchronously and
financially, to "veer" media attention away from Lloyd Blankfein's/
Goldman-Sachs' s shorting of the American housing market, accelerating
the planned economic collapse of the USA for the forthcoming New
World Order's "New Deal."
21) And just when we thought the Government Sachs connection to the
Gulf oil rigging could not get any deeper, we learn that GS holds
controlling interests (with Apollo Management) in the Nalco Company
which produces the hideously deadly oil dispersant named Corexit!
22) The Rothschild Leaguers "ruled out all [Corexit] competitors even
those that have shown to be far less toxic and, in some cases, nearly
twice as effective," reported Paul Quinlan in the New York Times. The
reason being . . .
23) Nalco formed from a joint venture with the David Rockefeller-
controlled Exxon Chemical Co. in 1994. Then, . . .

24) In 2003, The Blackstone Group, Apollo Management L.P., and
Goldman Sachs Capital Partners, bought Ondeo Nalco for $4.3 billon
dollars. All three companies are partnered in the Rockefeller-
founded, Royal Family-chartered PFNYC.
25) Ironically, according to Nalco's website, the company is
portrayed as a water, energy, and air conservation corporation. They
claim to be the world's leading water treatment company. Their
poisonous dispersant, Corexit, is not their main business. It is a
"first aid product that they've always had and they've never really
26) Corexit was found poisoning clean-up workers, causing kidney and
liver disorders, following its debut in the 1989 Exxon-Valdez
disaster. Nalco blamed these problems on 2-butoxyethanol, now claimed
to have been removed.
And that's not all. . . .
27) The George Bush/Dick Cheney 9/11-linked Halliburton Company
purchased the world's largest oil-spill cleanup entity, Boots &
Coots, three weeks before the "natural gas leak." This was
synchronous with the bankers beginning to unload BP and Transocean
stocks, and securing equity options to insure their investments.
Other major shareholders in Nalco/Corexit include billionaire Warren
Buffett and his conglomerate holding company, Berkshire Hathaway;
Maurice Strong, Al Gore, George Soros.
28) Historically, Homeland Security has contracted with Halliburton
to provide detention camps for political dissidents and displaced
populations, through KBR, whose financial underwriters feature the
aforementioned war-makers: Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC;
Goldman, Sachs & Co.; UBS Securities LLC; Citigroup Global Markets
Inc.; and Wachovia Capital Markets, LLC--the precise financial
institutions shorting BP and Transocean stocks as detailed above.
Furthermore, . . .
29) Homeland Security's choice of accommodations for Gulf oil clean-
up crews are the same toxic trailers banned from use during Hurricane
30) Homeland Security medical officials are also now implicated in
fraudulently promoting (through Alex Jones) a "decoy product" for
infectious disease markets called Silver Sol for profit and probably
depopulation as well. (CLICK HERE for the shocking story.)
Conclusion and Solution
Similar to what we found while investigating the fabricated H1N1-H5N1
Swine Flu fright and fraudulent (and increasingly threatening)
vaccination campaign, the devil-doers were those in control of the
"PharmaMedia" involving Wall Street's heaviest hitters, all partners
in the PFNYC and the Rothschild League of investment bankers. (View:
PHARMAWHORES: The SHOWTIME Sting of Penn & Teller.)
We The People urgently need a new banking system that entirely
excludes the aforementioned criminals. It must encourage investments
in permaculture and sustainable production, not destructive and
polluting consumption. It must discourage petrochemical-
pharmaceutical toxicity that is killing us and most other species.
And it must invest in suppressed alternative energies, including
hydrogen fuel and Tesla technologies that have been kept from common
use by the financial paradigm makers/enslavers.
The new banking system must value biological sensitivity, and love-
based spirituality, more than lust for money, fueling a degenerative
economy that is based on usury.
One suggested solution is to form a posse to search and find leaders
in this criminal banking cartel (such as Lloyd Blankfein and David
Rockefeller) and serve them, and responding law enforcers, with
citizens' arrest complaints, widely publicized, using this article
and its links as evidence detailing the criminal conspiracy. This
way, attorneys general may be forced to do their jobs in protecting
We The People.
Otherwise, we need a miracle to stop the financial industry from
doing what is it is doing to us and our planet. This is not a
religious statement, just an accurate observation.
Jesus put his life on the line by preaching the same thing. He
exposed and flogged the lesser humans who were financially enslaving
humanity through usury, usurping faith in God and the new true Nation
under Him.
In defense of ourselves and Mother Earth, We the People now have no
other reasonable choice but to neutralize mass murderers, their
lethal intoxications, and environmental destructions.
We pray that LOVE--communicated musically in the secreted 528Hz
frequency--will help prompt this urgently required miraculous
transformation of our economy and society, ending the psychopathology
of menacing greed, to secure permacultural sustainability and real
enduring happiness.
About the authors:
Dr. Leonard Horowitz is the author of sixteen books including
three American best-sellers, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola--Nature,
Accident or Intentional? , Healing Codes for the Biological
Apocalypse, and Healing Celebrations: Miraculous Recoveries Through
Ancient Scripture, Natural Medicine and Modern Science. Dr. H
orowitz, of Healthy World Organization (HWO), is currently advancing
as an alternative to the duplicitous World Health Organization (WHO).
Sherri Kane is an investigative journalist who defected from FOX
News, Los Angeles, for ethical reasons. She has written extensively
on Washington politics including Barack Obama's history. Most
recently, she has exposed the "PharmaMedia, " detailing links between
the wealthiest Wall Street investors in mass media and the
pharmaceutical industry.
Review from last newsletters . . . .
In case you missed our last shocking newsletter (June 10, 2010), we
were the first in the world to expose Peter Sutherland, the man
standing with one foot in Goldman-Sachs, and the other on the burning
Transocean-Hallibur ton-BP oil rig, as being theConsultor of the
Extraordinary Section of the Administration of the Patrimony of the
Apostolic See. In other words, Sutherland is the chief financial
adviser to the Pope.
Holy Spirit-filled Catholics are encouraged to petition the Vatican
to denounce Mr. Sutherland immediately.
In 2010, Mr. Sutherland finished a 13-year stint as Chairman of BP,
Europe's largest oil company. A former Attorney General of Ireland,
he is President of the Federal Trust for Education and Research, a
British think tank whose efforts might better be called corporatist
indoctrination than trustworthy "education." He is Chairman of The
Ireland Fund of Great Britain, and a member of the advisory council
of Business for New Europe--a pro-New-World- Order European think-tank
based in Britain.
From 1993-95, Sutherland was the Director-General of the World Trade
In January 2006, the current Non-executive Chairman of Goldman Sachs
International, was appointed by United Nations Secretary General,
Kofi Annan, as his Special Representative for Migration.
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============ ========= ===
From: "Scott Parkin, Rainforest Action Network" <>
Date: July 8, 2010 8:32:24 AM GMT-05:00
To: prez@usa-exile. org
Subject: BREAKING NEWS: EPA Headquarters Occupied

Tell Lisa Jackson you are not giving up until MTR is history!

Dear Keith,
At this very moment, I am in D.C. at the headquarters of the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with a group of activists
devoted to ending the destruction of America's mountains by greedy
coal executives.
We're risking arrest today to ensure that the EPA hears our message
loud and clear that we want mountaintop removal (MTR) abolished for
Help us make some noise from right where you are. Email the EPA now!
On April 1, Administrator Lisa P. Jackson of the EPA announced strong
new guidelines for mountaintop mining, saying there would be "no, or
very few, valley fills that are going to meet that standard." If
applied rigorously, these guidelines could prohibit most MTR
operations and protect Appalachia's precious drinking water.
At RAN, we were genuinely excited at the news, feeling that this was
a step in the right direction by the EPA and "the beginning of the
end" for MTR. We decided we'd wait and watch to see how the EPA would
apply these "strict" new guidelines. We sure didn't have too wait
long. Late last month, the EPA green-lighted a huge MTR permit for
Pine Creek mine in Logan County, West Virginia.
Now we're pissed.
Write the EPA and tell them in no uncertain terms that America wants
MTR abolished!
In addition to blowing another mountain in Appalachia to smithereens,
the Pine Creek mine permit allows Arch Coal to create three valley
fills, poisoning two miles of streams with blast debris. These
streams currently provide drinking water and fish for the local
residents and wildlife of Logan County.
We're here at the EPA today with a giant sound system playing Lisa
Jackson her own words over and over at a deafening volume, mixed with
the sounds of dynamite blowing apart mountains, and a little of John
Denver's Take Me Home, Country Roads for good measure. We hope this
intensely emotional soundtrack filling the halls of the EPA all day
long will guarantee they hear us this time.
Tell Lisa Jackson you are not giving up until MTR is history!
We want:
No new MTR mining
No valley fills
Protection for all Appalachian waterways
We will stick with this fight until we have triumphed over the
mindless destruction of our mountains by King Coal. It's time to
knock this "King" off our mountain!
For Appalachia,
Scott Parkin
Global Finance Campaign
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============ ========= ===http://www.commondr view/2010/ 07/08-9
Published on Thursday, July 8, 2010 by CommonDreams. org
Fish and Oil: Sorrow, Survival and Solidarity in
Louisiana's Bayou
by Mitchell Anderson
I spent last week in southern Louisiana, in a region I had never
visited before. My first impression was one of sadness; a long
profound melancholy that seemed to reside in the landscape: the
spires of drilling rigs, the rising murky water, the stagnant sinking
marshes, the faint mix of saltwater and burning oil from the Gulf,
the rusting pipelines and dead wetland trees. Taken together, there
was a sense that something terrible had been occurring there for many
years. Something fundamental, something which preceded the current
oil disaster, something irreversible and wrong.

"Fish and oil, fish and oil." I heard this strange and perverse
couplet many times during the week - over fried shrimp dinners, on
boat tours, in community forums, and walking along the desolate beach
on Grand Isle and the flooded Isle de Jean Charles. The utterance
had the bizarre ring of prophecy, of brute reality, of what shouldn't
have been the case, but is, nonetheless. Ironically, the coastland
of Louisiana is the most productive seafood estuary in the country,
while the coast and adjacent Gulf waters contain the most productive
offshore oil patch. Now, the seafood is contaminated, the oil is
spreading in the marshlands, and despite the ongoing calamity, the
oil industry is fighting tooth and nail to reserve the right to keep
drilling off the coast.
I was with a delegation of indigenous and campesino leaders from the
Ecuadorian Amazon, who know all too well about fish and oil. They
have been suffering for the last forty years as a result of Texaco's
(now Chevron's) oil contamination in their rainforest homeland. They
had come to meet with the Houma and Atakapa tribes, Native Americans
who have been living off the water and land of southern Louisiana for
hundreds of years. They had come to learn firsthand about the oil
disaster plaguing the Gulf Coast, and to share their own stories and
lessons from the Amazon on how to cope with the lasting, pernicious
impacts of severe oil pollution.
It was a kind of redemption of industrialized globalization.
Communities devastated by the impacts of a bloated global industrial
growth model coming together to share in pain and hope. I feel
honored to have been a part of the encounter, and outraged to have
seen how much has been destroyed. And I feel compelled now to share
what I witnessed.
Impressions from the Bayou
Mud-stained and rain-soaked American flags droop over rickety
abandoned houses. Telephone poles rise out of marshlands near
underwater graveyards. Oil clean up crews and bird rehabilitation
units work on converted seafood loading docks. Government officials
speak of "an invasion of oil." Native American women speak of the
next great storm. The paperwork and bureaucracy of the British
Petroleum claims process punishes locals. Miles of snaking orange
boom lies abandoned on desolate beaches. The heavy weight of
industrial language is spoken over gumbo dinners: boom, sand berm,
skimmer, rock levy, relief well, spill zone, oil sheen, treatment
plan, containment dome, top kill, controlled burn, chemical dispersants.
The Houma and the Atakapa people told us of their dreams, of their
fears, and of what is at stake in the bayou: Great Egrets, Laughing
Gulls, Blue Heron, Muskrats, Alligators, Blue Crabs, Speckled Trout,
Black Drum, Garfish, Tilapia, Amberjack, Sheepshead, Shark, Red
Snapper, Grouper, Pompano, the spring breeding grounds of fish, crab,
shrimp, whales, crawfish boils, fishing rodeos, memories, the
sweetness of the early morning sun before a day of fishing- an entire
way of life.
A Century in the Bayou
From more than forty miles offshore, the oil migrates past the
barrier islands into the marshlands, clinging to weeds and wings,
riding in on the weather, sinking to the sea floor, floating to the
surface, arriving on the beaches and in the bayous, mixing with sand,
algae, fish. And the media is screaming, "the horror, the horror."
But strangely, and unfortunately, the BP disaster is not the root of
the problem - nor is BP just the "bad seed" of the oil industry. An
industrial ghost has haunted the bayou for the last century.
One can see it in the warm, terrible glow of gas flares silhouetted
by the darkened, stormy sky. One can see it in the spires of
offshore drilling rigs and platforms. One can see it in the eyes of
the confused, screaming birds with oil-soaked wings. One can see it
in the flooding of the Isle de Jean Charles, the sinking of the
marshlands, and the oil channels and pipelines cutting through the
Bay of Baptiste. One can see it in the sheen of oil coating the bays
and choking the marshes.
But there is much that goes unseen - the cloak of time is often
blinding and the ghost of industry has used it well, working slowly
and methodically over the last century in its profitable destruction
of the gulf coast ecosystem.
It started more than a century ago when the Mississippi was levied to
the teeth with industrial ambition. The levies starved the wetlands
of fresh water flow and halted the needed deposits of river
sediments. Soon, as a consequence of the depleting sediments the
marshlands began to sink and flood. Then came the oil industry in the
1920's and 1930's, cutting access canals and laying pipelines, which
eliminated the natural barriers to saltwater flow and increased the
salinization of the waters to a perilous degree.
Today, due to all of this industrial engineering, a phenomenon known
as saltwater intrusion poses a grave threat to the marshlands, which
thrived for eons on the harmonious balance of Mississippi River fresh
water and Gulf of Mexico salt water. The oaks, palmetto, cyprus, and
persimmons, which once flourished in the bayou, have died. The
marshlands continue to sink as a result of the extraction of crude
oil from the depths of the earth.
Over the last century, the wetland ecosystem of the Gulf has
transformed from a stunningly pretty and pristine seafood estuary to
a salty, sinking place - vulnerable to storms, hydrologically off-
balance, and now contaminated with oil and toxic chemicals.
How did this happen?
I posed this very question to Michael Dardar, a leader of the Houma
people, during a boat tour of the Bay of Baptiste. He told me, "In
Louisiana the oil industry creates the rules of the game. They don't
need to justify themselves. They just play by their own rules." The
oil industry has a death-grip on Louisiana politics. Over the last
century the industry has managed to gut state environmental
regulations to such a degree that essentially all oil-related waste
is legally considered "non-toxic" in Louisiana. This has helped make
the state a dumping ground for oil-related refuse from across the
country. Filled with heavy metal and carcinogen-laced oil sludge,
cargo trucks and trains barrel down the highways and railroads of
America, aiming for their final destination; the territory of the
Houma people, who have been living off the land and waters of the
Louisiana coast for centuries. Now their territory is pock-marked by
oil pits and refuse heaps. Toxic dust blows into the homes of the
Houma people in the dry season, while poisons leach into the
communities during the wet, stormy months.
The Houma people have been fighting for legal recognition of their
territory since shortly after the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, when
America paid 15 million dollars to the French for 828,800 square
miles of land, encompassing 14 states. Most recently, it has been
the oil and gas industry that has served as the greatest obstacle to
the federal recognition that the Houma have sought for nearly two
centuries. Lawyers for the industry have repeatedly petitioned the
Bureau of Indian Affairs to deny the United Houma Nation federal
recognition. The unspoken reasoning: federal recognition would give
the Houma more power to defend their own lands against oil industry
abuse, and potentially create precedent for the Houma to hold the
industry accountable for past profiteering and abuses of their land
and rights.
Words from the Bayou:
Just yesterday I received an email from Michael Dardar, the Houma
leader who accompanied us on the boat tour of the contaminated Bay of
Baptiste. He expressed how heartened the Houma people were to have
met with the Ecuadorians. He also included an essay that he had
written, entitled: The Beginnings of Sorrows: The Houma People and
The Resource Wars. Written in blood and memories, the essay recounts
the centuries of struggle of the Houma people and looks at other
indigenous struggles over rights, resources, and land.

The first section, entitled Shadows of the Past, delves into the
meaning of a recently-created symbol that goes by the same name. As
Michael writes in the introduction:
"The Shakchi-Houma or Red Crawfish has always been and continues to
be the emblem and icon of the Houma Nation. "Shadows of the Past" has
become a different symbol for Houma people, a more personal one,
telling our modern tale of conflict and survival.
Dardar quotes Louise Billiot, who designed the symbol, as she
describes the meaning behind the red, yellow, black, and white banner:
"Yellow represents the morning sun when our fishermen, in boats,
would leave home for their day's catch of seafood... black represents
the evening sky when our fishermen would return home from the day's
work on the water... the line between the two represents the horizon
as it is seen out on the water with reality above and its reflection
below... the white boat represents our Indian people's boats and
pirogues used for shrimping, hunting and trapping... the larger red
boat behind the smaller boat represent the recreation fishermen and
the oil industry boats that have taken over the waters that provided
the living for our families... the red diamond shape represents the
riches of our lands taken since the oil companies invaded our
waters... the shape of the white oil derrick inside the diamond
represents the oil rigs that have cut into our homeland bringing salt
water intrusion and coastal erosion."
Oil, salt, a sinking marsh, and the sheer strength and resilience of
the Houma people. I have never been so saddened and inspired. Over
my life I have seen the way a soul can break under the weight of
abuse, the way a spirit can succumb after years of destruction, the
way hope can fade when a people are abandoned. But in the bayou of
southern Louisiana, I saw an unbreakable dignity - a spirit that
declared: there is beauty in the world and it is worth fighting for.
Mitchell Anderson is the Corporate Campaigns Director for Amazon
Watch. He is currently in the northern Peruvian Amazon, set to head
upriver to meet with the Achuar people of the Pastaza and Morona
river basins, who are fighting to keep their territory free from oil
companies. Stay tuned for another dispatch from the frontlines of
Amazon Watch
Twitter: http://twitter. com/amazonwatch
Facebook: http://facebook. com/amazonwatchn ews

I am the future and I will make change!!!
"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned / Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned."
William Congreve
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