By Emanuel M. Josephson -- A history of the Roosevelt-Delano dynasty that influenced American affairs for more than 100 years. In this 8½ x 11 facsimile edition of the 1947 classic, the author traces the shady history of the clan.
   The true genealogical and political backgrounds of the only man to ever serve four terms as our nation's chief executive makes fascinating reading. Although Franklin Delano Roosevelt is reputed to have been one of the most beloved of all American presidents, the historical facts don't exactly support the noble image conjured up by the mind-manipulating myth-mongers of the mass media. Indeed, the facts strongly indicate that Roosevelt may have been one of the worst enemies the American Republic ever had.
   Reveals and explains many historical facts long-since hidden from the American public by those who would enslave us in a New World Order.

A-142  TRAGEDY AND HOPE by Carroll Quigley - $40.00

A history of the world in our time by an insider for the establishment. Gives rare insights into the workings of the worldwide Illuminati conspiracy. One of the most famous books of recent times.

R-190  TRILATERALS OVER AMERICA by Dr. Antony Sutton - $10.00

The Trilateral Commission was created in 1973 by David Rockefeller, Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank, as part of a plan to coordinate -- politically, economically, and industrially -- the activities of the various governments in north America, Asia, and Europe for a final push towards the create of a world government, or New World Order. Dr. Sutton, former Professor of Economics at California State University in Los Angeles and later a Research Fellow at Stanford University, traces the activities of the Trilateral Commission from its inception, and shows how most Americans have been deceived into going along with the plan despite its deadly threat to our national sovereignty and financial well-being. In chapter two, the author emphasizes the fact that "the interesting aspect of Trilateralism is that it brings together the Administrators of power rather than the Holders of power."


One of the more significant things I learned so far in this book is Rockefeller's involvement with Merck and the American Medical Association. I had no idea that they were involved in medicine, too.
Buy it used here: http://www.amazon.com/Strange-Death-Franklin-Roosevelt-Roose...

Organic Consumers Association Funded by Big Pharma!
By Barbara H. Peterson
Farm Wars
Our food supply is in jeopardy. Not only from outside forces such as poisons from China, but from within. The very people that we look to for guidance seem to be working together to lead us straight into global food governance in the form of Codex Alimentarius. This is especially alarming when you consider that the very organizations such as the USDA and FDA, that are charged with the safeguarding and regulation of our food supply are at the forefront of the battle, leading us straight into worldwide genocide using food as a weapon.
But the USDA and FDA do not stand alone. There are others who consider food to be “fair game” in this war against the people, and they just happen to control some very large purse strings. So, who holds the purse strings behind the push to obliterate any food safeguards we may have? Let’s just pick two – Rockefeller and Merck, then take a closer look at a few of the “trusted” organizations that they fund. 
The Purse Strings
Let’s take a look at just a part of what the Rockefeller crime family is involved in concerning our food supply.


"The planet is being controlled, to an alarming extent, by elites, or, as I call them, cartels.   There are many cartels, but 7 are the most powerful.  They evolve, they learn from one another, they both compete and cooperate.  Unfortunately, the trend is more towards cooperation. These 7 cartels represent the following areas:  GOVERNMENT, MILITARY, INTELLIGENCE, ENERGY, MONEY, MEDIA, AND MEDICAL.....I came to this map of cartels through my own research on the medical monopoly.  That's where it started, in 1986.  .. Once you understand these cartel elites, you can begin to separate out information into loose layers of importance, as in, which layer of the control game are we talking about?  Because it's all about layers.  And at most layers, the players are forwarding agendas which they do not realize fit into higher and more destructive agendas."--Jon Rappoport