(34 seconds video)
William Jefferson Clinton and NWO (New World Order)
(42 second video)
How to Brainwash a Nation
Zapata Corporation wikipedia
Zapata, under Robert Gow's direction, sought to acquire a controlling interest in the United Fruit Company in 1969, but was outbid by AMK Corp.[21] Robert's father, Ralph Gow, was on United Fruit's board of directors.
Gow apparently left Zapata in 1970. He took with him from Zapata Peter C. Knudtzon. Ties to the Bush family continued. In 1971 both Jeb Bush and George W. Bush worked for Gow's new company, Stratford of Texas (also known as Stratford of Houston). Stratford imported tropical plants. According to Knudtzon, George W. Bush reportedly flew for Stratford to Florida and Guatemala.[22] Stratford evidently had ties to a large commercial plantation in La Democracia, Huehuetenango, Guatemala.
United Fruit Company
IBM and the Holocaust (5 minutes plus video)
Eisenhower and the Military Industrial Complex (MIC)
(2 minutes 31 seconds video)
Military Industrial Complex Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy and Ron Paul (5 minutes 17 seconds video)
Prescott Bush Nazi Conspiracy Info (9 minutes 50 seconds)
Louis Gerstner Jr. Executive Biography
Dr. Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. is the Senior Advisor of The Carlyle Group, since September 30, 2008. Dr. Gerstner joined the The Carlyle Group in January 2003 as the Chairman. He is a Advisor to the Chief Executive Officer of Sony Corporation. He retired from that position in October 2008. Prior to joining the firm, he was the Chairman of the Board of IBM Corporation from April 1993 until his retirement in December 2002 and served as the Chief Executive Officer from 1993 ...
Human rights advocates then held a New York protest at Point Lookout Capital Partners in New York City, a major investor in CSI. Two protests were held at CSI’s headquarters in Jamestown, PA. Additionally, over 1000 letters have been emailed to executives from CSI, Point Lookout Capital Partners and the Carlyle Group, another major investor in CSI, calling on CSI to stop provision of tear gas to Israel. Finally, evidence has been collected showing that Israel has a long history of inflicting death and injury using tear gas as a lethal weapon.
Hitler and the New World Order (NWO)
Since the proclamation of the New World Order by George Bush, nations and political movements both Left and Right have been struggling in vain to free themselves from it. Now even Japan, which itself was building a covert empire only a decade ago, is vulnerable to having its banking system colonised by the New York establishment. If that happens, the Japanese people will lose control of the savings they have accumulated in the postwar period. And yet the coloniser, the United States, has an official net foreign debt in excess of one trillion dollars! But as Mao said, power resides in the gun.
The New World Order media constantly present us with graphic reminders of the atrocities of Hitler, Stalin, Imperial Japan, Mao's Red Guards, the Inquisition and the Conquistadores, to make the point "THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE". We are constantly shown that the independence of nation-states leads to war, barbarism, bloodshed, devastation and extermination. Good intentions degenerate into Stalinism and Nazism. Religious power, which sustained civilisations from Ancient Egypt on, degenerates into Crusades, Inquisitions, Intifadas, and State Shintoism. We cannot trust ourselves, we cannot trust majority rule, we can only trust the ruling elite. Any "alternative model" - the Soviet, the Japanese, the German etc. - must be crushed, preferably without a shot being fired, merely through propaganda and the undermining of its banking system.
The Bush family joined John D. Rockefeller and the British Royal Family in sponsoring the eugenics initiatives that gave rise to Hitler’s racial hygiene programs. Prescott Bush was later found guilty of trading with the Nazis during WWII. According to court records, the Rockefeller family and their Standard Oil Company supported Hitler more than they did the allies during the war. In fact, one judge declared Rockefeller guilty of treason. Dr. Gary Glum documented the insidious eugenics programs to create a “superior race,” which were initially sponsored not by Adolph Hitler, but by the American elite like the Rockefeller, Carnegie, Harriman, Morgan, DuPont, Kellogg and Bush families.
Carlyle Snags Former UBS Investment Banker
1) Olivier Sarkozy is a French-American businessman and the half-brother of French President Nicolas Sarkozy.
1) Olivier Sarkozy is a French-American businessman and the half-brother of French President Nicolas Sarkozy.
2) Career
In 1990 Sarkozy was hired to work at the American investment bank Dillon, Read & Co. and left three years later to join First Boston Corporation, where he held several senior posts.[2] In 2002 he was hired by UBS, where he advised on many billion dollar acquisitions.[1] On March 3, 2008 Sarkozy was appointed to be the Co-head and Managing Director of the Carlyle Group's Global Financial Services Group.[2]
Tony Blair to join the Carlyle Group
Exclusive By Rupert Hamer
08/22/05 "Sunday Mirror" -- -- TONY Blair is expected to join one of the most exclusive groups of businessmen in the world after he leaves Downing Street.
The PM is being lined up for a highly lucrative position with the Carlyle Group - an American-based investment giant with strong links to the White House and the defence industry.
In 1990 Sarkozy was hired to work at the American investment bank Dillon, Read & Co. and left three years later to join First Boston Corporation, where he held several senior posts.[2] In 2002 he was hired by UBS, where he advised on many billion dollar acquisitions.[1] On March 3, 2008 Sarkozy was appointed to be the Co-head and Managing Director of the Carlyle Group's Global Financial Services Group.[2]
Tony Blair to join the Carlyle Group
Exclusive By Rupert Hamer
08/22/05 "Sunday Mirror" -- -- TONY Blair is expected to join one of the most exclusive groups of businessmen in the world after he leaves Downing Street.
The PM is being lined up for a highly lucrative position with the Carlyle Group - an American-based investment giant with strong links to the White House and the defence industry.
Care to guess who was the treasurer of Planned Parenthood when it launched its first national fundraising campaign in 1947? It was Prescott Bush, father and grandfather of the two Bush presidents.
How the Republic is Swayed
by Big Money
Excerpt:While pretending that they are fighting the New World Order ...
World Net Daily promotes, time after time members of the Council on Foreign Relations. That organization has a 80 year history of coniving to destroy the U.S. in favor of a New World Order.
The screaming report found at the hyperlink above ... was transmitted from one outfit that is part of a constellation or organizations pushing for war from the Hegelian Right. The Sensational Report is designed to continue to compartmentalize and create hysteria in the Christian and other Communities to fuel war and global militarization .
Joseph Farah's World Net Daily 
Be it the rapture or a deadly crusade ... these group fuel the passions for war.
They are attempting to extend the killing fields to the United States.
A similar operation has been ginned up on the Hegelian Left. And also between Moslems vs Christians.
Similar divisions were purposely designed by the same "insiders" to launch WWI and WWII.
The preplanned resulting goals of both wars was to be world government. First built on the foundation of the League of Nations and having failed ... the United Nations. This was done by a conspiracy.
Carlyle Bidding On Food Chains
Deal Would Be A First for Firm
Dunkin' Donuts' parent company is trying to sell the chain and its corporate siblings, Baskin-Robbins and Togo's, for about $2 billion, sources say. (By Lisa Poole -- Associated Press)
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Who's Blogging» Links to this article
By Terence O'Hara
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, December 9, 2005
The Carlyle Group is among the final bidders for the Dunkin' Donuts and Baskin-Robbins restaurant chains, in what would be the first U.S. consumer retail investment for a company built around its expertise in defense, aerospace and telecommunications.
Carlyle has been eyeing Dunkin' Brands Inc. since this summer and has joined with Thomas H. Lee Partners LP and Bain Capital LLC, both of Boston, to submit a bid for the French-owned food chains, according to two sources familiar with the bid who spoke on condition of anonymity because the bidding process is supposed to remain private.
Carlyle Bidding On Food Chains
Deal Would Be A First for Firm
Dunkin' Donuts' parent company is trying to sell the chain and its corporate siblings, Baskin-Robbins and Togo's, for about $2 billion, sources say. (By Lisa Poole -- Associated Press)
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Who's Blogging» Links to this article
By Terence O'Hara
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, December 9, 2005
The Carlyle Group is among the final bidders for the Dunkin' Donuts and Baskin-Robbins restaurant chains, in what would be the first U.S. consumer retail investment for a company built around its expertise in defense, aerospace and telecommunications.
Carlyle has been eyeing Dunkin' Brands Inc. since this summer and has joined with Thomas H. Lee Partners LP and Bain Capital LLC, both of Boston, to submit a bid for the French-owned food chains, according to two sources familiar with the bid who spoke on condition of anonymity because the bidding process is supposed to remain private.
New Managing Directors (Carlyle):
Guido Audagna – Mr. Audagna focuses on Europe real estate opportunities and is based in Milan. Prior to joining Carlyle, Mr. Audagna was at BNL Fondi Immobiliari SGR in Milan (a subsidiary of the BNL Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Group) where he was Fund Manager of Italian real estate funds. Prior to this he worked at REAG Real Estate Advisory Group (a subsidiary of American Appraisal) in Milan and Padua where he was Area Manager for northeast Italy. Mr. Audagna completed his undergraduate degree in Architecture at the Polytechnic of Turin and has a graduate degree in Town Planning and Real Estate Market from Corep of Turin.
Benoit Colas – Mr. Colas focuses on European buyout opportunities in the telecommunications and industrial sectors and is based in Paris. Prior to joining Carlyle, Mr. Colas was with The Boston Consulting Group in Paris and Chicago where he was a Senior Manager. He led numerous strategy & business development assignments for large corporate clients in various industries with a strong focus in telecom, retail, and consumer goods. He was a member of BCG High Tech & Telecom practice. Mr. Colas holds a degree in Engineering & Management from École des Mines in Paris.
Robert Hodges – Mr. Hodges is the portfolio manager of the pan-European real estate fund and is based in Paris. He is also responsible for acquisitions in the United Kingdom. Prior to joining Carlyle, Mr. Hodges was a Director of LaSalle Investment Management with responsibility for portfolio management of European commingled funds. He was responsible for the portfolio management of several direct investment funds and was responsible for the team of asset managers working on the first portfolio of distressed debt to be sold into the French market in 1995. Before moving to France in 1995, Mr. Hodges worked for LaSalle in London. Prior to LaSalle, Mr. Hodges worked as a corporate finance analyst for Brown, Shipley and at Crédit Agricole du Calvados. Mr. Hodges graduated from the London School of Economics and Political Science with a Bachelor of Science (Economics).
Glori Holzman Graziano – Ms. Holzman Graziano is Co-Head of High Yield Research and focuses on high yield opportunities in the energy, forest products, packaging, and chemical sectors and is based in New York. Prior to joining Carlyle in 2001, Ms. Holzman Graziano spent more than 17 years as a sell-side high yield bond analyst at various institutions including SG Cowen, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley where she specialized in the energy industry. Additionally, she was Co-Head of High Yield Research while at Bank of America. Earlier in her career, she was at Standard & Poor’s rating agency specializing in the rating of corporate bonds issued by energy companies. Ms. Holzman Graziano received an M.B.A. from George Washington University and a B.A. from Washington University in St. Louis Missouri.
Kuo Chuan “KC” Kung – Mr. Kung focuses on buyout opportunities in Southeast Asia and Australasia and is based in Singapore. He also serves as lead for transactions in the consumer products industry in the Asia Pacific region. Prior to joining Carlyle, Mr. Kung was an Engagement Manager with McKinsey & Company where he consulted with financial services, telecommunications, and consumer products clients in Greater China, Southeast Asia, and the U.S. Mr. Kung received a B.A. from Dartmouth College and an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School. Mr. Kung grew up in Taiwan and Hong Kong, and is a native Chinese speaker.
New Managing Directors (Carlyle):
Guido Audagna – Mr. Audagna focuses on Europe real estate opportunities and is based in Milan. Prior to joining Carlyle, Mr. Audagna was at BNL Fondi Immobiliari SGR in Milan (a subsidiary of the BNL Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Group) where he was Fund Manager of Italian real estate funds. Prior to this he worked at REAG Real Estate Advisory Group (a subsidiary of American Appraisal) in Milan and Padua where he was Area Manager for northeast Italy. Mr. Audagna completed his undergraduate degree in Architecture at the Polytechnic of Turin and has a graduate degree in Town Planning and Real Estate Market from Corep of Turin.
Benoit Colas – Mr. Colas focuses on European buyout opportunities in the telecommunications and industrial sectors and is based in Paris. Prior to joining Carlyle, Mr. Colas was with The Boston Consulting Group in Paris and Chicago where he was a Senior Manager. He led numerous strategy & business development assignments for large corporate clients in various industries with a strong focus in telecom, retail, and consumer goods. He was a member of BCG High Tech & Telecom practice. Mr. Colas holds a degree in Engineering & Management from École des Mines in Paris.
Robert Hodges – Mr. Hodges is the portfolio manager of the pan-European real estate fund and is based in Paris. He is also responsible for acquisitions in the United Kingdom. Prior to joining Carlyle, Mr. Hodges was a Director of LaSalle Investment Management with responsibility for portfolio management of European commingled funds. He was responsible for the portfolio management of several direct investment funds and was responsible for the team of asset managers working on the first portfolio of distressed debt to be sold into the French market in 1995. Before moving to France in 1995, Mr. Hodges worked for LaSalle in London. Prior to LaSalle, Mr. Hodges worked as a corporate finance analyst for Brown, Shipley and at Crédit Agricole du Calvados. Mr. Hodges graduated from the London School of Economics and Political Science with a Bachelor of Science (Economics).
Glori Holzman Graziano – Ms. Holzman Graziano is Co-Head of High Yield Research and focuses on high yield opportunities in the energy, forest products, packaging, and chemical sectors and is based in New York. Prior to joining Carlyle in 2001, Ms. Holzman Graziano spent more than 17 years as a sell-side high yield bond analyst at various institutions including SG Cowen, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley where she specialized in the energy industry. Additionally, she was Co-Head of High Yield Research while at Bank of America. Earlier in her career, she was at Standard & Poor’s rating agency specializing in the rating of corporate bonds issued by energy companies. Ms. Holzman Graziano received an M.B.A. from George Washington University and a B.A. from Washington University in St. Louis Missouri.
Kuo Chuan “KC” Kung – Mr. Kung focuses on buyout opportunities in Southeast Asia and Australasia and is based in Singapore. He also serves as lead for transactions in the consumer products industry in the Asia Pacific region. Prior to joining Carlyle, Mr. Kung was an Engagement Manager with McKinsey & Company where he consulted with financial services, telecommunications, and consumer products clients in Greater China, Southeast Asia, and the U.S. Mr. Kung received a B.A. from Dartmouth College and an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School. Mr. Kung grew up in Taiwan and Hong Kong, and is a native Chinese speaker.
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