Monday, February 28, 2011

Alex Jones was on 'The View' today ..........  defending Charlie Sheen.  Do yaw'll remember back a while ago that Charlie was supposed to be in "Loose Change" 2.  I wonder if Alex Jones is the reason Charlie seems to be in dire straights now?  hmmmmmm 

I sat for almost a half hour waiting for 'The View' to load and then when it seemed like it was finally getting there, the Friday show was the one on the screen. 

Do you remember back in the day that when the 'Loose Change' boys were supposed to be on 'The View' that it was pre-empted?  hmmmmm, was that before Alex Jones invited Jason Burmas to work for him?  (I met the boys way back when at a book store in Phoenix and there were 3 of them.  I talked privately to one and I'll be damned if I remember if it was Dylan Avery or the other.)  I'm not gonna go look now as my system is not stable and I'm not even sure about Burmas first name but if you guys want, do what you do, k?

I'm gonna go now and try to send this in email.    Oh yeah, BTW, I went into my yahoo email yesterday and there was somebody editing my send emails and erasing many of them.

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