According to documents obtained by The Observer, Glaxo has sponsored at least four medical trials since 1995 using Hispanic and black children at Incarnation. The documents give details of all clinical trials in the US and reveal the experiments sponsored by Glaxo were designed to test the 'safety and tolerance' of Aids medications, some of which have potentially dangerous side effects. Glaxo manufactures a number of drugs designed to treat HIV, including AZT.
The WHO gets more money from private pharma and
related industry sources than from governments

of the WHO scandals of influence peddling
Prosecutors claimed that the doctors broke Russian law and ethics, but have so far stopped short of criticising GSK. The pharma titan has denied any wrongdoing, calling the allegations "unsubstantiated and untrue".
The dispute centres on a series of trials conducted at Volgograd's Independent Clinical Hospital on GSK's behalf on 100 babies between the ages of one and two, starting in 2005. The trials involved GSK-branded vaccines for chickenpox (Varilrix), measles (Priorix), mumps and rubella (a combined MMR Priorix Tetra vaccine) and were part of a larger series of trials involving almost 6,000 adults and children in ten European countries including Russia. Problems arose after some parents of the babies involved claimed that they did not give their consent and were not even aware that their children were taking part in the trials.
Prosecutors said they have found evidence to back up parents' concerns. "Preliminary investigations showed that the doctors, seeking material benefits, conducted clinical tests of the vaccines with no regard for the children's lives and health," they said. "The parents believed these were routine vaccinations, they were not told that new vaccines were being tested on their children." The paediatricians received 1.5 million rubles ($57,670) and 700,000 rubles from GSK, prosecutors added, something they said parents were also unaware of.
Mr Williams will now call on the Department of Health to undertake an urgent inquiry into the controversial anti-depressant, which is manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline and prescribed to millions of people around the world.
Speaking at the inquest into the death of 56-year-old Mr Whitfield, the Brecon coroner said, “I have grave concerns that this is a dangerous drug that should be withdrawn until at least detailed national studies are undertaken.
Tdap vaccine (Adacel) | Synthetic or semisynthetic | Aluminum Phosphate, Formaldehyde or Formalin, Glutaraldehyde, 2- Phenoxyethanol |
Tdap vaccine (Boostrix) | Fenton media with bovine casein, Lathan medium derived from bovine casein, Linggoud-Fenton medium derived from bovine extract, synthetic or semisynthetic | Aluminum Hydroxide, Bovine Extract, Formaldehyde or Formalin, Glutaraldehyde, Polysorbate 80 |
The world's scientists and government researchers have not taken aluminum off the scientific table as a causal factor in Alzheimer's. Research scientists with the International Aluminum Network report, "Aluminum has been implicated ...as a potential factor or cofactor in the Alzheimer's syndrome, as well as in the etiopathogenesis of other neurodegenerative diseases, Parkinsonism, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and other diseases." That's a mouthful, but you get the picture.
Initially, it was thought that aluminum might be the sole cause of Alzheimer's. Persons with Alzheimer's have been found to experience increased absorption of aluminum in the brain, as well as exhibit densities of senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. However, there are reports that suggest plaques and tangles do not always signify Alzheimer's, and vice versa.
Thanks to the dogged research of Marjorie Gordon, a Horowhenua radiographer who was one of the first affected by the mysterious illness she dubbed "darkroom disease", the cause was eventually identified as glutaraldehyde, a chemical in the solution used to develop x-ray films.
Glutaraldehyde was introduced with fast automatic processing machines in 1967, but Gordon discovered the amount added to the developer was significantly increased in 1980, after which radiographers began falling ill.
Gordon alerted her colleagues here and overseas to the problem and campaigned tirelessly for better protection from the fumes from x-ray processing machines.
Extraordinarily, years after every radiographer in New Zealand became aware of the danger, some are still succumbing. Even more extraordinary, the first major trials of a glutaraldehyde-free developer are only now taking place.
Most surprising of all, it seems some health professionals still doubt there even is a problem, despite overwhelming evidence.
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