Thursday, April 7, 2011

I remember reading her story many years ao and other tales about MILABS...which
claimed that our military was in cahoots wth 'greys' to abduct people.
Makes for chilling reading but unfortunately no one, including her, ever came up
with any thing other than anecdotal evidence.
From the Wiki profile:
Karla's response was to drop her professional university career and turn her
full attention to abduction research. Her first book, Into the Fringe (Berkley
Books, 1992), told of her own experiences and those of her family. Her second
book, Taken - Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda (Kelt Works, 1994),
profiled the abduction stories of eight women whose experiences included both
"alien" and human intrusions, and both benign and negative elements,
illustrating the profoundly complex nature of the abduction mystery. Her most
recent book, Masquerade of Angels (Kelt Works, 1994), was co-written with
psychic Ted Rice and recounts Ted's lifelong encounters with strange entities
whose identity hovered in a shadowland between angelic and demonic.

Interesting in that she eventually seemed to drift into the area where aliens
become 'angels and demons'.
"If the human brain were so simple that we could understand it, we would be so
simple that we couldn't."
-Emerson Pugh

Karla Turner

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Dr. Karla Turner UFO military abductions part 6 of 12 video
Dr. Karla Turner was widely respected in the UFO community for her research on alien abduction. A scholar and professional educator, she earned a Ph.D. in Old English studies and taught at the university level in Texas for more than ten years. But in 1988, she and her husband and son endured a shocking series of experiences and recollections that forced them to recognize that they were all abductees. She died of cancer on January 10, 1996, after being threatened for her work. She was just 48. Since then, several other people involved in UFO investigation have also experienced threats followed by highly unusual cancer.
1) Alien abductees often report things that could be induced via intracerebral devices; buzzing and voices, missing time, inexplicable emotions in inappropriate circumstances (e.g. love for an alien who sexually violates them), loss of self control, telepathic communication and memories of films projected onto screens. Many report the disturbance of electrical objects in their presence, perhaps a side effect of such implant technologies.

I've had dreams of myself walking with someone I imagined to be God.  When I was working as a contractor at IBM one of the managers I worked with forbade me from going into his office as he said that his computer went black everytime I did.  I also noticed certain lights blinked and flashed when I walked by.

2) If the whole thing is a cosmic conspiracy of sorts, then all humanity have been pawns in the game of these 'dark gods' for millennia. It only follows that these same forces have directed human history.

Roberts and Gilbertson continue:
This holds that the course of recent (that is, the last few millennia) history has been secretly and ruthlessly controlled by small groups of self-appointed 'elitists' who are servants of evil and who seek to establish the rule of the Dark Gods in a hell-on-Earth over which they will preside.. If the UTs [Ultraterrestrials] are exerting a 'control syndrome' through manipulation of paranormal phenomena and the illusory UFOs, then their elitist disciples are the earthly agents who handle the social side of the great game.23
The writer William Burroughs spent his whole life examining the human condition, concluding a mechanism of control exists in the universe blinding people to their true nature. In Mind War/The Adding Machine, Burroughs writes of the creation of a state of fear dominated by elitists who manipulate powerful psychic forces:
At the top [of the elitist state] would be a theocracy trained in psychic control techniques implemented by computerised electronic devices that would render opposition psychologically impossible. Entry to this privileged class would be permitted only to those whose dedication to the world state was absolute and unquestioning. In short, you don't get in by merit or ability but by being an all around one hundred percent shit. Under this ruling elite of power addicts would consist of an anonymous service collective of functionaries, managers, and bureaucrats. And below them the slave workers. There would be no place for dissent or independent research. The troublesome artist would be eliminated or absorbed. The elite lives happily ever after, at the top of a control state that makes 1984 seem cosy and nostalgic.
The way out of this all-pervading control syndrome is to launch creative revolts against it. But first the individual must education him or herself to understand their own nature. Get in touch with one's own inner space and eject all elements of 'control'. Use creativity as a weapon.
How To Resist
Resistance to any form of mind control is simple. On a basic level, any individual can concentrate towards being fully aware and awake at all times. For example, TV advertisements are designed to implant subliminal messages into our brains. Be aware of that fact and consciously and subconsciously resist it. Think for yourself and don't accept anything at face value. Anyone reading magazines like New Dawn will realise they have been fed lies and disinformation by the elitists through the mainstream media.

It can be theorised that in the West (where 'alien' abductions are concentrated) the breakdown of society and the rise of individualism has opened the door to forces beyond our individual selves. We no longer have the protection of a collective group mind, allowing dark forces to run riot inside the domain of our minds.

Nomad, an online author and web page operator, offers the following advice:
Those of us committed to StO [Service-to-Others] must therefore take thought for our own situation, since it seems most likely that we are fighting not a counter-offensive against invading powers, but a rearguard action against those of our own kind who are committed, many of them ruthlessly, to StS [Service-to-Self]. The Greys are merely taking opportune advantage of a situation for which we are ourselves collectively responsible, like it or not!24
Being kept in ignorance by the ruling elite, people are left wide open to control. The ultimate goal of today's elites is summed up in the mantra: consume, breed, die. Your purpose is nothing more than to live as an ignorant robot, serving the elites of this world, and being psychic 'food' for dark metaphysical forces. This analysis might sound very negative and imply the situation is hopeless. But that's how it's always been for humanity. Nevertheless, there's always been a path open for us to go beyond the human condition and reach for the stars. Break free from ignorance and smash the bonds of control. Consider the words of the novelist Philip K. Dick:
What a tragic world this is. Those down here are prisoners, and the ultimate tragedy is that they don't know it, they think they are free because they never have been free, and do not understand what it means. This is a prison and few men have guessed. But I know, he said to himself. Because that is why I am here. To burn the walls, to tear down the metal gates, to break each chain.25
Early life and education
Burroughs was born in 1914, the younger of two sons born to Mortimer Perry Burroughs (June 16, 1885 – January 5, 1965) and Laura Hammon Lee (August 5, 1888 – October 20, 1970.) The Burroughs were a prominent family of English ancestry in St. Louis, Missouri. His grandfather, William Seward Burroughs I, founded the Burroughs Adding Machine company, which evolved into the Burroughs Corporation. Burroughs' mother, Laura Hammon Lee, was the daughter of a minister whose family claimed to be related to Robert E. Lee. His maternal uncle, Ivy Lee, was an advertising pioneer later employed as a publicist for the Rockefellers. His father ran an antique and gift shop, Cobblestone Gardens; first in St. Louis, then in Palm Beach, Florida.
As a boy, Burroughs lived on Pershing Ave. in St. Louis's Central West End. He attended John Burroughs School in St. Louis where his first published essay, "Personal Magnetism," was printed in the John Burroughs Review in 1929.[3] He then attended The Los Alamos Ranch School in New Mexico, which was stressful for him. The school was a boarding school for the wealthy, "where the spindly sons of the rich could be transformed into manly specimens."[4] Burroughs kept journals documenting an erotic attachment to another boy. According to his own account, he destroyed these later, ashamed of their content.[5] Due to the repressive context where he grew up, and from which he fled, that is, a "family where displays of affection were considered embarrassing,"[6] he kept his sexual orientation concealed well into adulthood when, ironically, he became a well known homosexual writer after the publication of Naked Lunch in 1959. Some say that he was expelled from Los Alamos after taking chloral hydrate in Santa Fe with a fellow student. Yet, according to his own account, he left voluntarily: "During the Easter vacation of my second year I persuaded my family to let me stay in St. Louis."[5]

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