![]() | A Brief History of Radio |
Marconi experiments with radio telegraphy.
KDKA-Pittsburgh broadcasts the Harding-Cox election returns and inaugurates a daily schedule of programs.
The first permanent networks put their first programs on the air.
The Radio Act of 1927 divides radio spectrum, reserving portions for public broadcasting, as well as aircraft, police, defense, etc.
About 12 million homes have radios. Five years later that number increases to 22 million, about 2/3 of the population.
The Communications Act of 1934 results in licensees being assigned specific broadcast frequencies.
Supreme Court rules that, in view of the limited number of frequencies, First Amendment rights do not include the right to broadcast.
Advertising revenues increase to a total of $310 million, up from $180 million in 1941.
Radio time sales total $473 million. Profit is minimal, though. The number of stations going into operation at the end of WW II triples; but most new AM stations and virtually all the FM stations operate at a loss.
The “payola” scandal hits radio, revealing that bribes to play certain records were paid to DJs.
Radio networks no longer pay their affiliates for carrying their programs. They allow stations to carry programs for the right to sell commercial time within those programs.
Stereo approved for FM broadcasts. FM in 1957 accounted for only 2 percent of radio sales.
By 1965, it was 15–20 percent.
Total revenues from the sale of radio time reach more than $800 million.
Congress creates the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), a private, nonprofit corporation, to promote noncommercial public telecommuni-cations services for the American people.
KFAI, after long battle, obtains license for 10-watt station in Minneapolis.
That same year, the FCC stops licensing stations under 100 watts.
National radio revenues are at $6,563 billion.
National radio revenues reach $11,240 billion.
The Telecommunications Act of 1996 passes, eliminating the one-station-per-local-market limit and replacing it with limits of five to eight stations per market, depending on the market’s size.Disney purchases Cap Cities/ABC.In Minneapolis, the FCC shuts down unlicensed Beat Radio, broadcasting from a downtown apartment building.
Ownership of commercial radio shrinks 12 percent, according to the FCC, even as the number of stations grows. The number of African American–owned FM stations drops 26 percent in that time frame; Hispanic-owned stations decline 9 percent.
An unprecedented 22.6 percent revenue increase has radio execs salivating for record 1997 results. While radio execs credit the economy and the personalities, some ad executives who purchase broadcast time say a recent concentration of station ownership is helping drive prices up.
Radio Free Berkeley is ordered off the air.
FCC adopts a NPRM (notice of proposed rulemaking) on the low-power radio issue
Mitt Romney buys Clear Channel
by Chris Bowers , Thu Nov 16, 2006 at 08:44:50 AM EST
Rochester Turning finds this disturbing nugget on the 2008 Presidential race:Clearchannel just recently went up for auction. Mitt Romney's Bain Capital bought it along with Thomas H Lee Partners, but I'm not sure who owns them. The rumor on the Street was that there might be regulatory problems because the firms own positions in other media companies, but I'm not sure which ones. Article is here and Wikipedia for Bain Capital is here. To prepare for their 2008 runs, most potential candidates stock up on staff, a Leadership PAC, and support from party leaders, advocacy organizations, and grassroots groups. Mitt Romney buys a media empire. I can't argue with what will probably be an effective strategy, but I can fear for American Democracy. Maybe Romney did this in order to match Giuliani's defacto news organization, Bloomberg. Maybe he did it to try and counter Rupert Murdoch's hold over the Bush administration via Tony Snow.
For a long time, many progressives have dismissed much established media as corporate and pro-right wing. However, with the difference between rulers of vast media empires and Republican Presidential candidates quickly disappearing, hopefully that will be a problem that the entire country will start to notice as well. While it may not be possible with Bush in the White House, we have to end media consolidtion and reinstate the fairness doctrine ASAP. Rochester Turning describes just how bad the situation is in the Flower City (that's Rochester, for you non-Upstaters):One of the most distressing political topics of the day is the state of our media. Did you know that of the four major television channels here, one is owned by Sinclair (FOX 31 WUHF, which comes in as Channel 7 on cable) and another (ABC 13 WHAM) is owned by Clear Channel? Sinclair, you may recall, was set to run an anti-John Kerry documentary a few days before the 2004 election until a sponsor boycott forced them to do otherwise, while Clear Channel reportedly led campaigns against the Dixie Chicks following their comments about George Bush a few years ago. Clear Channel also owns seven local radio stations I am sure that cities around the country are facing similar problems--posibly even worse. News Corps, Sinclair, Clear Channel, Bloomberg--tough times ahead for the So Called Liberal Media.
In 1984, it created Bain Capital, a limited partnership headed by W. Mitt Romney, son of politician George Romney, which invested in start-up companies and buyouts that could be readily improved.
Rajski says business-to-business online markets, such as MetalSite, E-Steel, PaperExchange and Chemdex, have raised E-commerce awareness in Hologix's target industries.
Sandeep Acharya
Insight Venture Partners and a consultant at Bain & Company. While at Bain & Company, Mr. Acharya focused on companies in financial services, consumer products, and healthcare.
Jim Musso Hologix Inc.
System Administrator 4250 E. Camelback Suite K220
jam at hologix.com Phoenix, Az. 85018
jamusso at home.com 602-718-3171 cell 602-684-7217
Developers of AttriCom(TM)
"Where Attributes Come to Order"(TM)
Twitter will raised $50 million to receive the $1 billion valuation. In the past Twitter had already raised $35 million from Benchmark Capital and Institutional Venture Partners. The $35 million round gave them a valuation of $250 million. Thus far Twitter has raised $55 million in funding. That should keep them going for a while despite not having a revenue model. The rumored investor in the upcoming round is expected to be New York based venture capital firm Insight Venture Partners.
For a long time, many progressives have dismissed much established media as corporate and pro-right wing. However, with the difference between rulers of vast media empires and Republican Presidential candidates quickly disappearing, hopefully that will be a problem that the entire country will start to notice as well. While it may not be possible with Bush in the White House, we have to end media consolidtion and reinstate the fairness doctrine ASAP. Rochester Turning describes just how bad the situation is in the Flower City (that's Rochester, for you non-Upstaters):One of the most distressing political topics of the day is the state of our media. Did you know that of the four major television channels here, one is owned by Sinclair (FOX 31 WUHF, which comes in as Channel 7 on cable) and another (ABC 13 WHAM) is owned by Clear Channel? Sinclair, you may recall, was set to run an anti-John Kerry documentary a few days before the 2004 election until a sponsor boycott forced them to do otherwise, while Clear Channel reportedly led campaigns against the Dixie Chicks following their comments about George Bush a few years ago. Clear Channel also owns seven local radio stations I am sure that cities around the country are facing similar problems--posibly even worse. News Corps, Sinclair, Clear Channel, Bloomberg--tough times ahead for the So Called Liberal Media.
In 1984, it created Bain Capital, a limited partnership headed by W. Mitt Romney, son of politician George Romney, which invested in start-up companies and buyouts that could be readily improved.
Rajski says business-to-business online markets, such as MetalSite, E-Steel, PaperExchange and Chemdex, have raised E-commerce awareness in Hologix's target industries.
Sandeep Acharya
Senior Associate
Mr. Acharya joined Bain Capital in 2009. Prior to joining Bain Capital, he was an associate atInsight Venture Partners and a consultant at Bain & Company. While at Bain & Company, Mr. Acharya focused on companies in financial services, consumer products, and healthcare.
Mr. Acharya received an MBA from Harvard Business School where he was a Baker Scholar. He graduated magna cum laude with a BAS in Computer Science and a BS in Finance from the University of Pennsylvania.http://www.sunmanagers.org/pipermail/sunmanagers/2001-February/001646.html
Jim Musso Hologix Inc.
System Administrator 4250 E. Camelback Suite K220
jam at hologix.com Phoenix, Az. 85018
jamusso at home.com 602-718-3171 cell 602-684-7217
Developers of AttriCom(TM)
"Where Attributes Come to Order"(TM)
Twitter will raised $50 million to receive the $1 billion valuation. In the past Twitter had already raised $35 million from Benchmark Capital and Institutional Venture Partners. The $35 million round gave them a valuation of $250 million. Thus far Twitter has raised $55 million in funding. That should keep them going for a while despite not having a revenue model. The rumored investor in the upcoming round is expected to be New York based venture capital firm Insight Venture Partners.
Peter Sobiloff, Managing Director, Insight Venture Partners
Prior to Think Systems, Peter was the President of Datalogix, where he led a financial turnaround that eventually resulted in its successful sale to Oracle (Nasdaq: ORCL). Earlier in his career, Peter was EVP of Sales of Ross Systems (Nasdaq: ROSS), where he propelled the company to record growth. Peter currently serves as a director of Xelus, Inc., DWL Incorporated and Nistevo Corporation and is Chairman of Greenfield Online. |
Greg Biltz
I2 Technologies Inc

Greg Biltz
CTO and Managing Partner
Prior: hide
Consultant, i2 Technologies
Assigned to work with General Dynamics (prime) and IBM (sub) to design and develop a WEB based order capture for National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA), now known as U.S. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency on contract to NSA.
Director of Development, Hologix
Designed and developed web enabled attribute based order capture system (Home Depot)
Director of Development, MBA Technologies
Designed and developed Enterprise Management System for Major Steel Producer
Director of Development, Transform Logic
Designed and Developed application generators for IBM mainframe products
Newman University, BS, Mathematics
I2 Technologies Inc
Greg Biltz
CTO and Managing Partner
Prior: hide
Consultant, i2 Technologies
Assigned to work with General Dynamics (prime) and IBM (sub) to design and develop a WEB based order capture for National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA), now known as U.S. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency on contract to NSA.
Director of Development, Hologix
Designed and developed web enabled attribute based order capture system (Home Depot)
Director of Development, MBA Technologies
Designed and developed Enterprise Management System for Major Steel Producer
Director of Development, Transform Logic
Designed and Developed application generators for IBM mainframe products
Newman University, BS, Mathematics
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