Aspartame, the sweetener in Diet Coke, is one of the world's most thoroughly studied food ingredients, with more than 200 scientific studies confirming its safety. It has been approved for use in carbonated beverages by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for more than 25 years. More than 100 other countries also permit its use in a variety of foods and beverages.
Aspartame is made of two amino acids, the building blocks of protein. Proteins are found in a variety of common foods including dairy, meat, nuts and soy. As with other proteins in the diet, the amino acids in aspartame are digested and used by the body in the same way. Products sweetened with aspartame state on their labels that they contain phenylalanine—one of the two amino acids that make up aspartame. This is important information because individuals with a rare genetic condition called PKU (phenylketonuria) need to avoid all dietary sources of this amino acid.
Aspartame is the same kind of sweetener found in Equal®.
The Thalidomide of the 90's is Aspartame, otherwise known as Equal, Nutrasweet or Spoonful. Some people have triggered aspartame related disorders with doses as small as that carried in a single stick of chewing gum. This could mean a pilot who drinks diet sodas is more susceptible to flicker vertigo or to flicker-induced epileptic activity. It also means that all pilots are potential victims of sudden memory loss, dizziness during instrument flight and gradual loss of vision.
by Betty Martini
The Thalidomide of the 90’s is Aspartame, otherwise known as Equal, Nutrasweet or Spoonful.In May, 1992 an article in Flying Safety Magazine explained the dangers of this ubiquitous substance. Some people have triggered aspartame related disorders with doses as small as that carried in a single stick of chewing gum. This could mean a pilot who drinks diet sodas is more susceptible to flicker vertigo or to flicker-induced epileptic activity. It also means that all pilots are potential victims of sudden memory loss, dizziness during instrument flight and gradual loss of vision. Some pilots have experienced grand mal seizures in the cockpits of commercial airline flights and have lost medical certification to fly -- and with it their careers.
The FDA has received more than 10,000 consumer complaints on Nutra-Poison. That’s 80% of all complaints about food additives, yet they remain comatose and have done nothing to alert the American consumer who assumes, since it’s so highly advertised, that it must be safe as mother’s milk.
If you are using aspartame and have headaches, depression, slurred speech, loss of memory, fibromyalgia type symptoms, loss of sensation in lower legs or shooting pains, loss of equilibrium, vertigo, anxiety attacks, chronic fatigue, vision loss, floaters, retinal detachment, seizures, heart palpitations, etc., you have Aspartame Disease! Many physicians are diagnosing multiple sclerosis when in reality it is methanol toxicity which mimics MS. Get off this dangerous drug right away. MS is not a death sentence, but methanol toxicity is!
Fifty-one percent of FDA approved drugs have serious risks and could cause adverse reactions that lead to severe or permanent disability or death. The Center for Disease Control, Johns Hopkins University and the New Jersey School of Medicine estimate that 80,000-120,000 Americans are killed by prescription drugs every year. That this atrocious holocaust persists has everything to do with money and nothing to do with public health. Monsanto reaps $2 billion per year from the Aspartame toxic bonanza. This can buy a lot of bureaucrats! Does FDA mean Fatal Drugs Allowed? The FDA works for industry, not citizens. FDA head Arthur Hayes overruled his own board of inquiry to approve aspartame and then went to work for their public relations firm. Federal attorney Sam Skinner was assigned to prosecute Searle for fraudulent tests in their application, but switched sides and went to work for Searle’s lawyers and the case died when the statute of limitations ran out. Honest FDA toxicologist, the late Dr. Adrian Gross, wrote to Senator Howard Metzenbaum: "
Richard Merrill, the FDA's chief counsel, petitioned Samuel K. Skinner U.S. Attorney for the northern district of Illinois, for a grand jury investigation of Searle's "willful and knowing failure" to submit required test reports, and for "concealing material facts and making false statements" in reports on aspartame submitted to the agency.52 Yet industry analysts, interviewed by the _Wall Street Journal_ six months after Rumsfeld's appointment as chairman, noted a rapid turnabout in Searle's fortunes as a result of his direction.53
Searle denies that Chairman Rumsfeld ever had any contact with the FDA, or the Carter and Reagan administrations, to lobby for aspartame.54 But the _Wall Street Journal_ article reported in 1977 that Rumsfeld "keenly understands the importance of a public image. So he has been mending fences with the FDA by personally asking top agency officials what Searle should do to straighten out its reputation." Westley M. Dixon, Searle's vice chairman, told the _Journal_ that without Rumsfeld "we wouldn't have gotten approval for Norpace," a drug investigated by the FDA in 1975.55
The following reactions were reported in 10% to 40% of patients:
Anticholinergic: dry mouth (32%), urinary hesitancy (14%), constipation (11%)
The following reactions were reported in 3% to 9% of patients:
Anticholinergic: blurred vision, dry nose/eyes/throat
Genitourinary: urinary retention, urinary frequency and urgency
Gastrointestinal: nausea, pain/bloating/gas
General: dizziness, general fatigue/muscle weakness, headache, malaise, aches/pains
The following reactions were reported in 1% to 3% of patients:
Genitourinary: impotence
Cardiovascular: hypotension with or without congestive heart failure, increased congestive heart failure (see Warnings), cardiac conduction disturbances (see Warnings), edema/weight gain, shortness of breath, syncope, chest pain
Gastrointestinal: anorexia, diarrhea, vomiting
Dermatologic: generalized rash/dermatoses, itching
Central nervous system: nervousness
Other: hypokalemia, elevated cholesterol/triglycerides
The following reactions were reported in less than 1%:
Depression, insomnia, dysuria, numbness/tingling, elevated liver enzymes, AV block, elevated BUN, elevated creatinine, decreased hemoglobin/hematocrit
Hypoglycemia has been reported in association with Norpace administration (see Warnings).
Infrequent occurrences of reversible cholestatic jaundice, fever, and respiratory difficulty have been reported in association with disopyramide therapy, as have rare instances of thrombocytopenia, reversible agranulocytosis, and gynecomastia. Some cases of LE (lupus erythematosus) symptoms have been reported; most cases occurred in patients who had been switched to disopyramide from procainamide following the development of LE symptoms. Rarely, acute psychosis has been reported following Norpace therapy, with prompt return to normal mental status when therapy was stopped. The physician should be aware of these possible reactions and should discontinue Norpace or Norpace CR therapy promptly if they occur.
Chapter 2 The Power Control Group
Just who and what is the Power Control Group? Some have said it's the military industrial complex. Some prefer to put the blame on the Rockefellers and the Council on Foreign Relation. Others have talked about control shifting from the "Yankees" to the "Cowboys" and back again. The term "The Cabal," first used in an obscure paper by an unknown author in 1968,[1] described a high level conspiracy group that planned, financed and carried out the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The word Cabal has been used since then by some authors and researchers and applied to all of the major domestic assassinations.
The idea of a Cabal raises more questions than it answers. Who is in the Cabal? Was the same Cabal behind the planning and financing of all five (Chappaquiddick being the fifth) major eliminations? Or are there several interlocking Cabals? What about the Warren and Rockefeller Commissions? Were they part of the Cabal? Which Cabal controls and infiltrated the media and organized the disinformation that poured forth in 1975 and 1976? Was Ford a Cabal member? Was Nixon? How about Johnson and Kissinger? Has one Cabal commanded the executions of the 100 witnesses and lower level participants?
The mistake made by researchers in postulating higher level groups is that they simplify a very complex situation.
Just who and what is the Power Control Group? Some have said it's the military industrial complex. Some prefer to put the blame on the Rockefellers and the Council on Foreign Relation. Others have talked about control shifting from the "Yankees" to the "Cowboys" and back again. The term "The Cabal," first used in an obscure paper by an unknown author in 1968,[1] described a high level conspiracy group that planned, financed and carried out the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The word Cabal has been used since then by some authors and researchers and applied to all of the major domestic assassinations.
The idea of a Cabal raises more questions than it answers. Who is in the Cabal? Was the same Cabal behind the planning and financing of all five (Chappaquiddick being the fifth) major eliminations? Or are there several interlocking Cabals? What about the Warren and Rockefeller Commissions? Were they part of the Cabal? Which Cabal controls and infiltrated the media and organized the disinformation that poured forth in 1975 and 1976? Was Ford a Cabal member? Was Nixon? How about Johnson and Kissinger? Has one Cabal commanded the executions of the 100 witnesses and lower level participants?
The mistake made by researchers in postulating higher level groups is that they simplify a very complex situation.
Release date: 25 June 2009
BP today announced that it has appointed Carl-Henric Svanberg, currently chief executive officer of the Swedish telecommunications company, Ericsson, to replace Peter Sutherland as chairman of BP.
Mr Svanberg, who is also chairman of Sony Ericsson and a non-executive director of Melker Schörling AB, will join the BP board as chairman-designate and a non-executive director on September 1, 2009.
He will step down at year-end after a seven-year tenure as Ericsson chief executive and Sony Ericsson chairman and succeed Mr Sutherland as chairman of BP on January 1, 2010. He will be based in London and devote the majority of his time to BP business.
EU Commissioner and head of the World Trade Organisation
He was appointed to the European Commission in 1985 and had responsibility for competition policy and, later, also for education. He has said that he was especially pleased to have helped to establish the ERASMUS programme (European Regional Action Scheme for Mobility of University Students) that allows European University students to study in other member states.
He was the youngest ever European Commissioner and served in the first Delors Commission, where he played a crucial role in opening up competition across Europe, particularly the airline, telecoms, and energy sectors. Subsequently he was Director General of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (now the World Trade Organisation). Later Mickey Kantor, the US Trade Minister, credited him with being the father of globalization and said that without him there would have been no WTO.[citation needed] The Uruguay round of global trade talks, concluded in 1994 with Sutherland as chair of GATT, produced the biggest trade agreement in history and established the World Trade Organisation.
He is on the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group,[2] a chairman of the Trilateral Commission[3] and vice chairman of the European Round Table of Industrialists.[4]

EU Commissioner and head of the World Trade Organisation
He was appointed to the European Commission in 1985 and had responsibility for competition policy and, later, also for education. He has said that he was especially pleased to have helped to establish the ERASMUS programme (European Regional Action Scheme for Mobility of University Students) that allows European University students to study in other member states.
He was the youngest ever European Commissioner and served in the first Delors Commission, where he played a crucial role in opening up competition across Europe, particularly the airline, telecoms, and energy sectors. Subsequently he was Director General of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (now the World Trade Organisation). Later Mickey Kantor, the US Trade Minister, credited him with being the father of globalization and said that without him there would have been no WTO.[citation needed] The Uruguay round of global trade talks, concluded in 1994 with Sutherland as chair of GATT, produced the biggest trade agreement in history and established the World Trade Organisation.
[edit] Business
He is non-executive Chairman of Goldman Sachs International (a registered UK broker-dealer, a subsidiary of Goldman Sachs). Until June 2009 he was non-executive chairman of BP being replaced by Carl-Henric Svanberg formely chief executive officer of Ericsson. Sutherland was a director of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group until he was asked to leave the board when it had to be taken over by the UK government to avoid bankruptcy. He also formerly served on the board of ABB.He is on the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group,[2] a chairman of the Trilateral Commission[3] and vice chairman of the European Round Table of Industrialists.[4]

Methanol is a highly toxic alcohol commonly found in automobile windshield washer solvent, gas line antifreeze, copy machine fluid, fuel for small stoves, paint strippers, and as an industrial solvent (Budavari 1996B; Suit 1990). Many new uses for methanol, predominantly as an alternative energy source, have also been proposed. If these new applications are developed, methanol is likely to become even more accessible in the future and therefore, more available for misuse.
Methanol is a highly toxic alcohol commonly found in automobile windshield washer solvent, gas line antifreeze, copy machine fluid, fuel for small stoves, paint strippers, and as an industrial solvent (Budavari 1996B; Suit 1990). Many new uses for methanol, predominantly as an alternative energy source, have also been proposed. If these new applications are developed, methanol is likely to become even more accessible in the future and therefore, more available for misuse.
As with ethylene glycol, the clinical course of methanol poisoning occurs over a number of hours. While methanol itself is only mildly intoxicating, it is converted to highly toxic metabolites responsible for acidosis, blindness, and potentially death. Because the morbidity for methanol poisoning is related to delay in treatment, real or suspected methanol poisoning creates many challenges for clinicians because laboratory tests, antidotes and intensive care facilities are not always available.
The lethal dose of pure methanol is estimates to be 1-2 mL/kg (Jacobsen 1986); however, permanent blindness and death have been reported with as little as 0.1 mL/kg (6-10 mL in adults) (ATSDR 1993).
Occurrence (videos)
Excerpt: (videos)
Blueprint for the North American Union (Documentary)
The European Union is the model for the North American Union (The “Financial” alliance between Mexico, USA, and Canada.) Europe was told of the many advantages of the financial union between all the European countries. How it would better the economy and “bring them closer to world peace.” They failed to mention HOW this was to take place or how it keeps growing from once just a financial advantage to now England giving up it’s sovereignty to Germany to “rule over” the European counties including England herself. There all one big happy family now, call them “The United States Of Europe.”
In this documentary called “The real face of the European Union” You’ll see and hear exactly what you’ve been hearing about the European’s cousin “The North American Union.” Great Documentary. Ask yourself if this is what you really want.
One of economic historian Bob Higgs's outstanding contributions is the "ratchet effect." During a crisis, the size and scope of government grow tremendously. After the crisis subsides, government shrinks, but not to the precrisis level. In consequence, leviathan expands over the decades, leaping from one crisis to the next.
We see Higgs's thesis of the ratchet effect on brilliant display with the Federal Reserve in the wake of the financial crisis of 2008. The recent Fed announcement, signaling a major shift in policy, shows that Ben Bernanke has no intention of giving up his newly acquired influence.
In this documentary called “The real face of the European Union” You’ll see and hear exactly what you’ve been hearing about the European’s cousin “The North American Union.” Great Documentary. Ask yourself if this is what you really want.
The Fed and the Ratchet Effect

We see Higgs's thesis of the ratchet effect on brilliant display with the Federal Reserve in the wake of the financial crisis of 2008. The recent Fed announcement, signaling a major shift in policy, shows that Ben Bernanke has no intention of giving up his newly acquired influence.
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